For gamers with triple Monitors

Jul 29, 2008
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The joys of having 3 monitors now has another advantage

For gamers who have a second card in their PC (Not running in SLI or Crossfire) and running 3 monitors, there is a bit of software called SoftTH (Software TripleHead) which will make a game span all 3 monitor, giving you a better field of view. All you need to do is dump the files (I think there's about 2 dll files and a config file) in the program exe folder and away you go.

Some of the settings need to be slightly tweaked to get it just right, but it's worth it. I managed to get it working with Crysis at the weekend :D

The website has a list of supported games - to be honest, there isn't many.
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That looks pretty neat. Would like to see a vidieo of COD 2/4 to see what it looks like.

Abarbarian said:
That looks pretty neat. Would like to see a vidieo of COD 2/4 to see what it looks like.


Well, I ordered COD 4 yesterday from Amazon, I'm just waiting for it to arrive.

Apparently it's one of the supported games, so if i get it up and running to a decent standard I may post some pics / vids :thumb:
Now thts were monitors with thin bezels come in handy instead of big gaps filled with plastic