I have a problem with a *.cmd batch script.
If i run it "on click" it is working, but if i run it with "schtasks.exe" and "system" user (in background) its not running one of
the two for functions:
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('tasklist ^| findstr /i aplication') do (
echo %date% %time% Info.PID: %%i >> file.log
for /f "tokens=4" %%k in ('kernrate -p %%i -s 2 ^| findstr /C:"User Time"') do (
echo %date% %time% Info.CPU: %%k >> file.log
if %%k GTR 40.0% (
echo %date% %time% "CPU OverUse Positive ( %%k )" >> file.log
call taskkill /pid %%i /F
echo Out_1 >> file.log
echo Out_2 >> file.log
echo %date% %time% "Finished!" >> file.log
So, the problem is happening in for function where i use kernrate and findstr. If i run the batch "on click", everything is working
well, but if im using schtasks.exe with system user that part of the batch is skipped (also, i cant see echo Out_1) ?! or something,
cauze i cant see its run, every echo i set in front, or after is initiated (again, except Out_1).
Any ideas ?
Thank You,
*. Remove: "DnotSpamMe" When R_ing.
I have a problem with a *.cmd batch script.
If i run it "on click" it is working, but if i run it with "schtasks.exe" and "system" user (in background) its not running one of
the two for functions:
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('tasklist ^| findstr /i aplication') do (
echo %date% %time% Info.PID: %%i >> file.log
for /f "tokens=4" %%k in ('kernrate -p %%i -s 2 ^| findstr /C:"User Time"') do (
echo %date% %time% Info.CPU: %%k >> file.log
if %%k GTR 40.0% (
echo %date% %time% "CPU OverUse Positive ( %%k )" >> file.log
call taskkill /pid %%i /F
echo Out_1 >> file.log
echo Out_2 >> file.log
echo %date% %time% "Finished!" >> file.log
So, the problem is happening in for function where i use kernrate and findstr. If i run the batch "on click", everything is working
well, but if im using schtasks.exe with system user that part of the batch is skipped (also, i cant see echo Out_1) ?! or something,
cauze i cant see its run, every echo i set in front, or after is initiated (again, except Out_1).
Any ideas ?
Thank You,
*. Remove: "DnotSpamMe" When R_ing.