So, I'm a bit inexperience with For Each loops, but I've got an interesting
I'm running an Access DB and wrote some code that goes through a recordset
and takes values out of it and throws it into an excel sheet. That part
works fine.
Next up, while writing the data out to excel, I want it to look at the data
in one excel column and if it matches a value in a 2nd recordset, then put
that value down in excel as well (basically trying to put data from two
different recordsets in the same excel sheet).
To do this, I tried to write a for each loop inside of another. Apparently
this doesn't work because I'm already running a for each loop. So, is there
any way around that or are there any other ideas out there?
Thanks in advance,
- Jeff
I'm running an Access DB and wrote some code that goes through a recordset
and takes values out of it and throws it into an excel sheet. That part
works fine.
Next up, while writing the data out to excel, I want it to look at the data
in one excel column and if it matches a value in a 2nd recordset, then put
that value down in excel as well (basically trying to put data from two
different recordsets in the same excel sheet).
To do this, I tried to write a for each loop inside of another. Apparently
this doesn't work because I'm already running a for each loop. So, is there
any way around that or are there any other ideas out there?
Thanks in advance,
- Jeff