for each and if then questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date


Hello There,

I have a table with "date Recieved" and "QTY" headers.

In the form I would like textboxes to display quantity's for day totals,
week totals and month totals from a date selected in a calender.

I cannot begin to figure out how to code this correctly but here is the jist
of what I have.

For each item in [date Recieved]
If item = calender0.value then
daytotal = ?
else if item = date("ww", calender0.value) then
weektotal = ?
else if item = month(calender0.value) then
monthtotal = ?
end if
next item

? = I am also not sure how to get the "QTY" based on it's "date Recieved" to
add up correctly.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Paul
If I understand correctly you want to add totals for days, weeks and months.
I would suggest you do this by using group headers and footers.

In the query, add some fields you can use to group values. For example for
month create a field
RecMonth: Year([RecDate]) & IIf(Month([RecDate])<9,0 &
For Nov 2007 the number will be 200711

Use the same logic to tack the day on using the day function. Today is

Weeks are a bit more tricky. You can find out the Monday of the week using
the dateadd function. Since Sunday is day 1 you can add on 1 to make it

RecWeek: DateAdd("d",-Weekday([RecDate])+1,[RecDate])

Now add group headers for days grouped on RecDays, Weeks grouped on RecWeek
and months on RecMonth

Hope that helps.

Assuming dtSelected is the date selected through your calendar control, you
need an aggregate query (qry_DayWeekMonthTotals) that looks something like
the following:

PARAMETERS [dtSelected] DateTime;
SELECT SUM(IIF(Day([Date Received]) = Day([dtSelected]), Qty, 0)) as DayQty, _
SUM(IIF(Datepart("ww", [Date Received]) = Datepart("ww",
[dtSelected]), Qty, 0) as WeekQty, _
SUM(IIF(Month([Date Received]) = Month([dtSelected]), Qty, 0) as
FROM yourTable
WHERE Format(DateReceived, "yyyymm") = Format([dtSelected], "yyyymm")

If you create this query and run it you will be prompted for dtSelected
(BTW, you need to create a parameter [dtSelected] and define it as date/time.
If you don't know how to do this, post back).

Once you have the query working properly, you can implement this in code.
Since you have indicated you have a calendar control of some sort that you
are going to use to select the date, I would assume you have some sort of a
text field with the date. I'll assume that you can type in the textbox, and
I'll put the code in the AfterUpdate event of that textbox.

Private Sub txt_CalDate_AfterUpdate

Dim qdf as dao.querydef
Dim rs as dao.recordset

if not isdate(me.txt_CalDate) then
msgbox "This value must be a date!"
exit sub
end if

Set qdf = currentdb.querydefs("qry_DayWeekMonthTotals")
qdf.Parameters(0) = cdate(me.txt_CalDate)
set rs = qdf.openrecordset
if rs.eof then
me.txt_DayQty = 0
me.txt_WeekQty = 0
me.txt_MonthQty = 0
me.txt_DayQty = rs("DayQty")
me.txt_WeekQty = rs("WeekQty")
me.txt_MonthQty = rs("MonthQty")
set rs = nothing
set qdf = nothing

End Sub

Hello Dale, I tried to get this to work but had problems with the multiple
I did get the day total to add up but did not get the week or month to work.
Below is what I currently have.

****Query*SQL VIEW*************************************************
PARAMETERS [dateSelected] DateTime;SELECT RecyHistory.DateRec,
Sum(RecyHistory.PalletCount) AS SumOfPalletCount
FROM RecyHistory
WHERE (((RecyHistory.DateRec)=[DateSelected]))
GROUP BY RecyHistory.DateRec;

Private Sub DateRec_GotFocus()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

If Not IsDate(Me.DateRec) Then
MsgBox " this value needs to be a date"
Exit Sub
End If

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("QTY")
qdf.Parameters(0) = CDate(Me.DateRec)
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
If rs.EOF Then
Me.Text16 = 0
Me.Text16 = rs("SumOfPalletCount")
Set rs = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Dale Fye said:

Assuming dtSelected is the date selected through your calendar control,
need an aggregate query (qry_DayWeekMonthTotals) that looks something like
the following:

PARAMETERS [dtSelected] DateTime;
SELECT SUM(IIF(Day([Date Received]) = Day([dtSelected]), Qty, 0)) as
DayQty, _
SUM(IIF(Datepart("ww", [Date Received]) = Datepart("ww",
[dtSelected]), Qty, 0) as WeekQty, _
SUM(IIF(Month([Date Received]) = Month([dtSelected]), Qty, 0)
FROM yourTable
WHERE Format(DateReceived, "yyyymm") = Format([dtSelected], "yyyymm")

If you create this query and run it you will be prompted for dtSelected
(BTW, you need to create a parameter [dtSelected] and define it as
If you don't know how to do this, post back).

Once you have the query working properly, you can implement this in code.
Since you have indicated you have a calendar control of some sort that you
are going to use to select the date, I would assume you have some sort of
text field with the date. I'll assume that you can type in the textbox,
I'll put the code in the AfterUpdate event of that textbox.

Private Sub txt_CalDate_AfterUpdate

Dim qdf as dao.querydef
Dim rs as dao.recordset

if not isdate(me.txt_CalDate) then
msgbox "This value must be a date!"
exit sub
end if

Set qdf = currentdb.querydefs("qry_DayWeekMonthTotals")
qdf.Parameters(0) = cdate(me.txt_CalDate)
set rs = qdf.openrecordset
if rs.eof then
me.txt_DayQty = 0
me.txt_WeekQty = 0
me.txt_MonthQty = 0
me.txt_DayQty = rs("DayQty")
me.txt_WeekQty = rs("WeekQty")
me.txt_MonthQty = rs("MonthQty")
set rs = nothing
set qdf = nothing

End Sub

Don''t forget to rate the post if it was helpful!

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Paul said:
Hello There,

I have a table with "date Recieved" and "QTY" headers.

In the form I would like textboxes to display quantity's for day totals,
week totals and month totals from a date selected in a calender.

I cannot begin to figure out how to code this correctly but here is the
of what I have.

For each item in [date Recieved]
If item = calender0.value then
daytotal = ?
else if item = date("ww", calender0.value) then
weektotal = ?
else if item = month(calender0.value) then
monthtotal = ?
end if
next item

? = I am also not sure how to get the "QTY" based on it's "date Recieved"
add up correctly.

Thanks in advance.

I apologize for my earlier the logic error. I was at work, and was writing
"untested air code". Try:

PARAMETERS [dtSelected] DateTime;
SELECT Sum(IIf(Day(DateRec)=Day(dtSelected) AND Month(DateRec) =
Month(dtSelected),PalletCount,0)) AS DayPalletCount, _
AS WeekPalletCount, _
Sum(IIf(Month(DateRec)=Month([dtSelected]),PalletCount,0)) AS
FROM RecyHistory
WHERE Format([DateRec],"yyyy")=Format([dtSelected],"yyyy");

Let me explain what this is doing.
1. The WHERE clause limits the records that are being considered to those
where the Year in your table matches the year in the DateRec control on your
form. Is that control bound to a field in your table or is it unbound? You
might find it good advise to change the name of your controls from the
default (the name of the control source) to a more friendly reference (if it
is a text field, preface it with txt_; if it is a combo box, use cb or cb;
lb for listbox, etc.) this makes it easier to read your code as you can
easily tell whether you are referencing a control on the form, or a
datafield of the form. This WHERE clause could cause a problem with the
WeekPalletCount for that week each year that has days from December and
January. We can come back to this is this is an issue.

2. The first Sum line sums the PalletCount values from your table where the
month and day of the field (DateRec) is the same as that in your DateRec
3. The second Sum line sums the PalletCount values from your table where
the week of the DateRec field is the same as that of the DateRec control
4. The third Sum line sums the PalletCount for those records that are in
the same month as your DateRec control.

Once this is working, you should be able to refer to these as
rs("DayPalletCount"), rs("WeekPalletCount"), and rs("MonthPalletCount")


Paul said:
Hello Dale, I tried to get this to work but had problems with the multiple
I did get the day total to add up but did not get the week or month to
work. Below is what I currently have.

****Query*SQL VIEW*************************************************
PARAMETERS [dateSelected] DateTime;SELECT RecyHistory.DateRec,
Sum(RecyHistory.PalletCount) AS SumOfPalletCount
FROM RecyHistory
WHERE (((RecyHistory.DateRec)=[DateSelected]))
GROUP BY RecyHistory.DateRec;

Private Sub DateRec_GotFocus()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

If Not IsDate(Me.DateRec) Then
MsgBox " this value needs to be a date"
Exit Sub
End If

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("QTY")
qdf.Parameters(0) = CDate(Me.DateRec)
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
If rs.EOF Then
Me.Text16 = 0
Me.Text16 = rs("SumOfPalletCount")
Set rs = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Dale Fye said:

Assuming dtSelected is the date selected through your calendar control,
need an aggregate query (qry_DayWeekMonthTotals) that looks something
the following:

PARAMETERS [dtSelected] DateTime;
SELECT SUM(IIF(Day([Date Received]) = Day([dtSelected]), Qty, 0)) as
DayQty, _
SUM(IIF(Datepart("ww", [Date Received]) = Datepart("ww",
[dtSelected]), Qty, 0) as WeekQty, _
SUM(IIF(Month([Date Received]) = Month([dtSelected]), Qty, 0)
FROM yourTable
WHERE Format(DateReceived, "yyyymm") = Format([dtSelected], "yyyymm")

If you create this query and run it you will be prompted for dtSelected
(BTW, you need to create a parameter [dtSelected] and define it as
If you don't know how to do this, post back).

Once you have the query working properly, you can implement this in code.
Since you have indicated you have a calendar control of some sort that
are going to use to select the date, I would assume you have some sort of
text field with the date. I'll assume that you can type in the textbox,
I'll put the code in the AfterUpdate event of that textbox.

Private Sub txt_CalDate_AfterUpdate

Dim qdf as dao.querydef
Dim rs as dao.recordset

if not isdate(me.txt_CalDate) then
msgbox "This value must be a date!"
exit sub
end if

Set qdf = currentdb.querydefs("qry_DayWeekMonthTotals")
qdf.Parameters(0) = cdate(me.txt_CalDate)
set rs = qdf.openrecordset
if rs.eof then
me.txt_DayQty = 0
me.txt_WeekQty = 0
me.txt_MonthQty = 0
me.txt_DayQty = rs("DayQty")
me.txt_WeekQty = rs("WeekQty")
me.txt_MonthQty = rs("MonthQty")
set rs = nothing
set qdf = nothing

End Sub

Don''t forget to rate the post if it was helpful!

Email address is not valid.
Please reply to newsgroup only.

Paul said:
Hello There,

I have a table with "date Recieved" and "QTY" headers.

In the form I would like textboxes to display quantity's for day totals,
week totals and month totals from a date selected in a calender.

I cannot begin to figure out how to code this correctly but here is the
of what I have.

For each item in [date Recieved]
If item = calender0.value then
daytotal = ?
else if item = date("ww", calender0.value) then
weektotal = ?
else if item = month(calender0.value) then
monthtotal = ?
end if
next item

? = I am also not sure how to get the "QTY" based on it's "date
Recieved" to
add up correctly.

Thanks in advance.
Thank you Dale!!! Everthing is now working great and thanks so much for the
explanation, it all makes sense to me now:-)


Dale Fye said:

I apologize for my earlier the logic error. I was at work, and was
writing "untested air code". Try:

PARAMETERS [dtSelected] DateTime;
SELECT Sum(IIf(Day(DateRec)=Day(dtSelected) AND Month(DateRec) =
Month(dtSelected),PalletCount,0)) AS DayPalletCount, _

AS WeekPalletCount, _
AS MonthPalletCount
FROM RecyHistory
WHERE Format([DateRec],"yyyy")=Format([dtSelected],"yyyy");

Let me explain what this is doing.
1. The WHERE clause limits the records that are being considered to those
where the Year in your table matches the year in the DateRec control on
your form. Is that control bound to a field in your table or is it
unbound? You might find it good advise to change the name of your
controls from the default (the name of the control source) to a more
friendly reference (if it is a text field, preface it with txt_; if it is
a combo box, use cb or cb; lb for listbox, etc.) this makes it easier to
read your code as you can easily tell whether you are referencing a
control on the form, or a datafield of the form. This WHERE clause could
cause a problem with the WeekPalletCount for that week each year that has
days from December and January. We can come back to this is this is an

2. The first Sum line sums the PalletCount values from your table where
the month and day of the field (DateRec) is the same as that in your
DateRec control.
3. The second Sum line sums the PalletCount values from your table where
the week of the DateRec field is the same as that of the DateRec control
4. The third Sum line sums the PalletCount for those records that are in
the same month as your DateRec control.

Once this is working, you should be able to refer to these as
rs("DayPalletCount"), rs("WeekPalletCount"), and rs("MonthPalletCount")


Paul said:
Hello Dale, I tried to get this to work but had problems with the
multiple sums.
I did get the day total to add up but did not get the week or month to
work. Below is what I currently have.

****Query*SQL VIEW*************************************************
PARAMETERS [dateSelected] DateTime;SELECT RecyHistory.DateRec,
Sum(RecyHistory.PalletCount) AS SumOfPalletCount
FROM RecyHistory
WHERE (((RecyHistory.DateRec)=[DateSelected]))
GROUP BY RecyHistory.DateRec;

Private Sub DateRec_GotFocus()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

If Not IsDate(Me.DateRec) Then
MsgBox " this value needs to be a date"
Exit Sub
End If

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("QTY")
qdf.Parameters(0) = CDate(Me.DateRec)
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset
If rs.EOF Then
Me.Text16 = 0
Me.Text16 = rs("SumOfPalletCount")
Set rs = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Dale Fye said:

Assuming dtSelected is the date selected through your calendar control,
need an aggregate query (qry_DayWeekMonthTotals) that looks something
the following:

PARAMETERS [dtSelected] DateTime;
SELECT SUM(IIF(Day([Date Received]) = Day([dtSelected]), Qty, 0)) as
DayQty, _
SUM(IIF(Datepart("ww", [Date Received]) = Datepart("ww",
[dtSelected]), Qty, 0) as WeekQty, _
SUM(IIF(Month([Date Received]) = Month([dtSelected]), Qty, 0)
FROM yourTable
WHERE Format(DateReceived, "yyyymm") = Format([dtSelected], "yyyymm")

If you create this query and run it you will be prompted for dtSelected
(BTW, you need to create a parameter [dtSelected] and define it as
If you don't know how to do this, post back).

Once you have the query working properly, you can implement this in
Since you have indicated you have a calendar control of some sort that
are going to use to select the date, I would assume you have some sort
of a
text field with the date. I'll assume that you can type in the textbox,
I'll put the code in the AfterUpdate event of that textbox.

Private Sub txt_CalDate_AfterUpdate

Dim qdf as dao.querydef
Dim rs as dao.recordset

if not isdate(me.txt_CalDate) then
msgbox "This value must be a date!"
exit sub
end if

Set qdf = currentdb.querydefs("qry_DayWeekMonthTotals")
qdf.Parameters(0) = cdate(me.txt_CalDate)
set rs = qdf.openrecordset
if rs.eof then
me.txt_DayQty = 0
me.txt_WeekQty = 0
me.txt_MonthQty = 0
me.txt_DayQty = rs("DayQty")
me.txt_WeekQty = rs("WeekQty")
me.txt_MonthQty = rs("MonthQty")
set rs = nothing
set qdf = nothing

End Sub

Don''t forget to rate the post if it was helpful!

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Please reply to newsgroup only.


Hello There,

I have a table with "date Recieved" and "QTY" headers.

In the form I would like textboxes to display quantity's for day
week totals and month totals from a date selected in a calender.

I cannot begin to figure out how to code this correctly but here is the
of what I have.

For each item in [date Recieved]
If item = calender0.value then
daytotal = ?
else if item = date("ww", calender0.value) then
weektotal = ?
else if item = month(calender0.value) then
monthtotal = ?
end if
next item

? = I am also not sure how to get the "QTY" based on it's "date
Recieved" to
add up correctly.

Thanks in advance.