Sorry I did not directly reply to your request. In the
meantime I had an idea to procede and was frustrated that
it didn't work even when it looked like it was. Here are
the answers:
-table and field names:
the table is the query result driving the report (I have
left out the irrelavent fields)
Field Names and Sample Data:
lngNote lngSlide
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 1
2 2
3 1
3 2
3 3
-what I would like to eventually display:
Note that lngSlide starts counting from one every time
lngNote changes.
Every time lngNote changes I want the lngSlide value to
display with white letters on a black background in the
display before the change. I.e., in the sample data above
when lngNote is 1 and lngSlide is 4 the 4 would be printed
with white letters on a black background, then lngSlide =
2, 3, etc would print this way. I know how to handle the
color and background change. I just need to know to do it
at the right time.
Thus I need to look ahead to the next record to know what
to do in this record. If this is better done in the query
so be it.
I can see that your approach is much more efficient for
you and likely to get me a better answer. Thank you