I'm trying to determine if a text file is empty by using
the following FOR command to set the environment variable
size_ to the number of bytes in a file:
FOR %f in (dummy.txt) do set size_=%~zf
This works correctly on a Win2000 server, but not on a
WinNT server. On a WinNT server, the environment variable
size_ ends up being equal to "%~zf".
Is there a way to make this work on a WinNT box or is
there another method that can be used to determine if a
text file is empty? I read through the 1CMCFAQ.txt found
in tscmd.zip and searched the newsgroup, but found nothing
that might help. Our WinNT server current with all
required updates and has had service pack 6 installed.
the following FOR command to set the environment variable
size_ to the number of bytes in a file:
FOR %f in (dummy.txt) do set size_=%~zf
This works correctly on a Win2000 server, but not on a
WinNT server. On a WinNT server, the environment variable
size_ ends up being equal to "%~zf".
Is there a way to make this work on a WinNT box or is
there another method that can be used to determine if a
text file is empty? I read through the 1CMCFAQ.txt found
in tscmd.zip and searched the newsgroup, but found nothing
that might help. Our WinNT server current with all
required updates and has had service pack 6 installed.