| Thanks, Rob!
| This is very helpful. Most of the text that I put into FP comes from Word
| documents. I had been doing Copy from Word then Past into the web page in
| FP. But I've found that approach fraught with problems. so I'm Copying from
| Word now, then Pasting into Notepad, then copying the text from Notepad and
| then pasting into an FP web page. Only real problem is, that always messes
| up the format of text from Word. I do type some text directly into FP web
| pages. That seems to be ok. If there are better ways, I'd sure like to
| know about them.
Yes it will, that's the object of taking it into Notepad in the first place - to get rid of Word's formatting which is usually a disaster on the web.
I've had success with all three methods I mentioned: Copy/Paste-Copy/Paste...Copy/Edit/Paste Special (experiment with diff options)...and also the Drag/Drop.
| I'll try the .pdf to .gif conversion and import that. What I don't want is
| a Word document in place of a .gif or .jpg image. I just want the image
| that in the Word document.
Not sure I overstand now...if you want an image that is IN a Word doc...just import the image into FP.
| Which tends to be better to use in web pages, .gif or .jpg? For some
| reason, I think I like .jpg files better. Though I'm not locked into that
| line of thought.
Generally; jpgs for photos, gifs for graphics...but I've crossed the line many times.
Gifs have limited color pallette and tend to not handle gradients very well - but they are smaller file size and can handle one transparent color.
Jpgs handle more colors, no transparency, file size depends on quality you want, and/but is a lossy format (so watch that you don't keep adjusting and resaving it too much)
| --
| With kindest regards,
| Dick Smith
| message | The pdf will open if the viewer has Acrobat Reader.
| If you want to display the pdf convert the image to a gif and import that
| into FP and then place it into your design - this is kinda rough but I do it
| for basic newsletters and it works ok...(sorta). Then by clicking on the
| image of the pdf they can also download the pdf file so they can print it if
| they want to.
| For text from outside of way is to Copy then Paste into Notepad
| (if it's formatted stuff from web, or other rtf text) then Copy from Notepad
| and Paste into FP. You can also use Paste Special, but sometimes this is a
| little dirty. You may also want to try Drag & Drop if it's a Word file.
| | | Hi, Kathleen!
| |
| | Thanks for your response!
| |
| | Ok, so maybe I create a new folder in FP, then File>Import the .PDF
| document
| | into that folder. Then create a link to that .PDF on one of my web pages.
| | Would that make the document itself appear in the web page or the
| hyperlink?
| |
| | Evidently, I'm not putting anything into web pages the right way. I type
| | text directly into a web page. I copy>past text into a web page directly
| | (no import). So far, the only thing I've been importing is .jpg files.
| Do
| | I need to import text into a folder, then somehow drag & drop onto a web
| | page?
| | --
| | With kindest regards,
| |
| | Dick Smith
| |
| | message | | > You don't put it into a web page, you put it into your web site (File |
| | > Import) and then create a link to it from a web page.
| | >
| | > --
| | > ~ Kathleen Anderson
| | > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| | > Spider Web Woman Designs
| | > web:
| | >
| | >
| | > | | >> I'm still missing something. How would I get the output image
| | >> (presumably in screen format) of Word Print (PrintPDF) into an existing
| | >> web page in FP2002?
| | >> --
| | >> With kindest regards,
| | >>
| | >> Dick Smith
| | >> | | >>> You don't "save" it as a .pdf file, you "print" it as one. Select
| | >>> File|Print and then change your printer to PrimoPDF. When the next
| | >>> screen comes you, browse to the selected location for your .pdf file
| and
| | >>> name it (by default it uses output.pdf). You can select For Print or
| For
| | >>> Screen. I've yet to see the difference but maybe you will. That's it.
| | >>>
| | >>> And Mrs Andrew wouldn't care for me to take his place any more than
| | >>> Keith would want Andrew to take mine. ;-)
| | >>>
| | >>> --
| | >>> JoAnn Paules
| | >>> MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
| | >>>
| | >>>
| | >>>
| | >>> | | >>>> Thanks, Andrew!
| | >>>>
| | >>>> I've downloaded & installed primoPDF. Will Word now let me save a
| file
| | >>>> as a .PDF? If not, how will I get the files I created in Word to be
| | >>>> treated as .pfd files?
| | >>>> --
| | >>>> With kindest regards,
| | >>>>
| | >>>> Dick Smith
| | >>>> | | >>>>> I'm not Andrew but I can help.
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>> Without Acrobat or another program you can't create a .pdf file. The
| | >>>>> free Reader is just a viewer. Acrobat starts at about $175 US (I
| | >>>>> think, it's been a while since I bought it) however there are some
| low
| | >>>>> cost/free alternatives. I've been recommending PrimoPDF
| | >>>>> ( It's a great little program and it's free. You
| | >>>>> won't be able to edit your .pdf file after it's created but if
| that's
| | >>>>> what you want to do, get out the plastic. ;-)
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>> --
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>> JoAnn Paules
| | >>>>> MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>> | | >>>>>> Hello, again, Andrew!
| | >>>>>>
| | >>>>>> I've pasted the newspaper images into Word as you suggested.
| However
| | >>>>>> I
| | >>>>>> don't know how to export them to a .pdf. I find no export option
| in
| | >>>>>> Word
| | >>>>>> And the only Adobe software I have is the Acrobat Reader. So, I'd
| | >>>>>> very much
| | >>>>>> appreciate a bit of clarification on that point.
| | >>>>>> --
| | >>>>>> With kindest regards,
| | >>>>>>
| | >>>>>> Dick Smith
| | >>>>>>
| | >>>>>>
| | >>>>>>
| | >>>>>>
| | | >>>>>>> you could paste the image of the new paper articles into a word
| | >>>>>>> documen t,
| | >>>>>>> then export the Word doc as PDF.
| | >>>>>>> it might go someway to reducing the file size and still have a
| | >>>>>>> legible
| | >>>>>>> copy.
| | >>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>> | | >>>>>>>> Thanks, Thomas!
| | >>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>> It's more than likely the first problem you identified. Those
| | >>>>>>>> images are
| | >>>>>>>> large. Originally each of the 4 images were half of a page of a
| | >>>>>>>> long-out-of-print newspaper. I had to scale them down by
| dragging
| | >>>>>>>> handles to get them reduced to a size that would work for a web
| | >>>>>>>> page.
| | >>>>>>>> The image files average about 2mb each. I'm not sure if there's
| | >>>>>>>> any way
| | >>>>>>>> to reduce the actual file size in bytes and still have any kind
| of
| | >>>>>>>> clear
| | >>>>>>>> image left.
| | >>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>> Though, I'm certainly open to suggestions. Maybe I'll have to
| find
| | >>>>>>>> an
| | >>>>>>>> ISP that's better capable of accommodating my needs.
| | >>>>>>>> --
| | >>>>>>>> With kindest regards,
| | >>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>> Dick Smith
| | >>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>> | | >>>>>>>>> 1. The server could be out of space.
| | >>>>>>>>> 2. The permissions for your account are not set correctly or the
| | >>>>>>>>> extensions are corrupted.
| | >>>>>>>>> 3. Files are publish to a temporary space and then copied to the
| | >>>>>>>>> actual
| | >>>>>>>>> location in your web.
| | >>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>> Ask your host to run check on the extensions for your account.
| | >>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>> --
| | >>>>>>>>> ==============================================
| | >>>>>>>>> Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| | >>>>>>>>> ==============================================
| | >>>>>>>>> If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
| | >>>>>>>>> a Service Pack or security update, please contact
| | >>>>>>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services:
| | >>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>> If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
| | >>>>>>>>> security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
| | >>>>>>>>> ==============================================
| | >>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>> | | >>>>>>>>>> What might cause an ISP's server to stop publication and report
| | >>>>>>>>>> that it
| | >>>>>>>>>> could not rename a .jpg file? I understand what the message
| | >>>>>>>>>> says, but
| | >>>>>>>>>> what might it actually mean? I was simply publishing a new
| page,
| | >>>>>>>>>> containing 4 .jpg images. After publishing 3 of the 4 images,
| | >>>>>>>>>> (according to the progress bar & text) the server discontinued
| | >>>>>>>>>> publishing and reported it could not rename one of the 4 ..jpg
| | >>>>>>>>>> files.
| | >>>>>>>>>> All of those files had relatively short, lower-case file names,
| | >>>>>>>>>> like
| | >>>>>>>>>> "ccstartpg1.jpg" for example.
| | >>>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>>> In the first place, why would it rename the files? And what
| | >>>>>>>>>> might
| | >>>>>>>>>> prevent the server from being able to do so?
| | >>>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>>> I tried publishing several times, but always got the same
| result.
| | >>>>>>>>>> I
| | >>>>>>>>>> even tried once with no firewall or virus protection active.
| | >>>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>>> I shall greatly appreciate your help on this.
| | >>>>>>>>>> --
| | >>>>>>>>>> With kindest regards,
| | >>>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>>> Dick Smith
| | >>>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>>
| | >>>>>>
| | >>>>>>
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>>
| | >>>>
| | >>>>
| | >>>
| | >>>
| | >>
| | >>
| | >
| | >
| |
| |