Many thanks for the very helpful suggestions - tried them all to no avail.
Tried various ways of dealing with a corruption. None made any difference to
the problem - incidentally there is only one section - no section breaks in
the document. It just suddenly stops showing the footnotes at the bottom of
the page after page 11 of a 30-page document! If you try to put a new
footnote in after page 11 it puts in the number but doesn't give you the
option to add text below. Same problem if you lift it a few pages at a time
into a clean Word document
Not in Track changes
Not hidden text
I'm flummoxed but thanks again for the help - interesting to see the note on
corrupted docs in any case!
"Daiya Mitchell" wrote:
> It might be can try the tricks here ON A COPY of the
> documents.
> First, however, if you are Tracking Changes, that causes footnotes to do odd
> things. Are you?
> And I assume someone hasn't used hidden text on all the problematic
> footnotes (in which case the text would have little dots under it when you
> can see it).
> On 8/29/06 9:17 AM, "Opsimath" wrote:
> > A different problem with footnotes. In a longish Word (Word/Office 2003)
> > document with several footnotes and cross references the first few footnotes
> > appear in Print Layout and will print, all the others seem hidden. They show
> > on mouseover and in Normal view. They appear if you change from footnotes to
> > endnotes but are lost again if you go back to footnotes. If you try to add a
> > footnote on the pages with the hidden footnotes it adds the number but
> > doesn't give you anywhere to write at the bottom of the page. What has
> > happened? There are tables in the document, but some footnotes that work are
> > in them; some that don't aren't. Any help would be appreciated
> --
> Daiya Mitchell, MVP Mac/Word
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