Footnote Separator Line

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Formating footnote separator line

How do you format the footnote separator line. The separator line has two
extra lines above the footnote text and I want to get rid of tthem but I
can't figure out how to remove them
In Normal view (Draft view in Word 2007), choose View | Footnotes
(References | Show Notes in Word 2007). On the toolbar in the footnote pane,
there is a list box. Select Footnote Separator. You can then modify the
formatting of the separator as needed.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

"Formating footnote separator line" <Formating footnote separator
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
This is useful, thank you. I have a related problem: additional lines keep
popping up after the separator line -- I have no idea why. Would you know,
and how to prevent it?
I have the problem that the empty lines below the footnote separator keep
creating themselves... Why, and how do I avoid them?
The most common cause of this is that Spacing After has been added to Normal
style (which the separators use). Alternatively, if there are actually extra
empty paragraphs, then you may have pressed Enter while you were editing the

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
I once had a book-length document that kept adding empty paragraphs to
the Footnote Separator. Every so often I had to open it up and delete
them. It's never happened in any other document, and the only unusual
thing about it was that there was a lot of Hebrew in the footnotes
(but not in the text). Fortunately, it didn't automatically happen
every time the document was opened, and the production pdf could be
successfully produced. (Yeah, that was a publisher who made camera-
ready copy in Word.)
grammatim said:
I once had a book-length document that kept adding empty paragraphs to
the Footnote Separator. Every so often I had to open it up and delete
them. It's never happened in any other document, and the only unusual
thing about it was that there was a lot of Hebrew in the footnotes
(but not in the text). Fortunately, it didn't automatically happen
every time the document was opened, and the production pdf could be
successfully produced. (Yeah, that was a publisher who made camera-
ready copy in Word.)
I am currently also writing a book that is currently 421 pages long. From
time to time I get the number 421421 printed at about the point were a
footnote separator should be. (When the book was shorter it would insert
whatever the total numbe of pages where - twice over.) Originally it replaced
the footnote separator on the second page when a footnote spilled over so I
spent considerable time rearranging the pages to avoid the spill over.
However now they often appear regardless of whether there is a footnote or
footnote spill over or not. This document was originally started in .doc
format and I found that by changing to .docx format most of these numbers
would disappear (but not all). However unfortunately this change resulted in
my many graphs being spoilt - an even worse problem (!) so I would prefer to
stay in the .doc mode.
My current software is Word 2007. I cannot find Footnotes (references) in
the view tab as suggested earlier.
I would be very pleased to hear from someone who has come across this
problem and found an answer to it.
It sounds as if you may have entered a PAGE and/or NUMPAGES field more than
once. If you used Insert | Page Numbers instead of the Insert Page Number
button on the Header and Footer toolbar or the Page X of Y AutoText entry on
the toolbar, or if you edited the page number that is inserted by Insert |
Page Numbers, then you have the fields in a frame, and it is all too easy to
get more than one of these. If they "wander" (see, then they
could all too easily get mixed up with your footnotes.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Thanks Suzanne,

This is a 'legacy document' started in the early 2000's which as a .doc
document appears in compatibility mode in Word 2007. From your comments below
I attempted to remove the page numbers but to do that I had take it out of
compatibility mode by changing it to a .docx format. Of course in Word 2007
the only mechanism to remove the page numbers was through the format header
tab and this did not actually remove the page numbers. However the change to
..docx format corrected the separator line in all but one case. The other rows
of numbers not directly associated with a reference number were also removed.
The chart problem mentioned that occured last time I converted to .docx was
now restricted to just one chart which although set to align with the left
hand margin was actually aligning to a line 5.5cms to the right of the left
margin with the result that the right hand side of the chart lay outside of
the page.

Returning to the .doc format corrected the chart position and this time left
the separator bars the same as in the .docx document...i.e. just one row of
numbers replacing one separator bar - except for one case. This was the only
case where the first reference had been carried over from the previous page.
Unless you can suggest how that can be corrected I will try to rearrange the
document so that this carry over is removed.



