Football stats

  • Thread starter Thread starter MCook
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I am using Excel 2007. I keep stats for my son's football team. We would like
to chart the distance that each play in the series goes. The football field
starts on the "Zero" yard line and then goes to the 30 yard line(MID-FIELD),
and then start back down towards the "Zero" yard line on the other end. We
record the data in a spread sheet with columns for the yard line and then
another for the distance. Example below,

Yard Line Distance
25 yard line +5 yards
30 yard line -3 yards
27 yard line +4 yards
29 yard line +2 yards (This would be on opponents 29 yard line)

What type of chart could I use to accomplish this. How would I show the if
the play series started on our own or the oppents yard line?

To keep things simple I would maintain the field as being from 0 to 60 yards.
So for example starting at your 25 yard line a gain of 10 would take you to
the 35 (I know the 35 does not exist but it will keep the math simple). Now
just use a formula to convert the 35 to the opponents 25. The formula could
be something like this...

=if(A1>=30, A1, 60 - A1)
That will convert the 35 (in cell A1) into 25.
Thanks Jim - That solves one problem! Now how would I account for a loss of
yardage? To use the same example, own 25 yard line, gain 10 yards moves it to
the other teams 25, but on the next play we loss -2 yards, the formula would
make it 23 instead of 27, correct?
No. The gain of 10 yards from your 25 moves you to 35, the loss of 2 moves
you from 35 to 33, hence 27, not 23.
The =if(A1>=30, A1, 60 - A1) was suggested only for showing the output, not
for the cumulative calculation.

You may decide that you want the output to distinguish more clearly between
your half and the opponents' half, so you may wish to change
=if(A1>=30, A1, 60 - A1)
=if(A1>=30, A1, A1-60) to show that half as negative,
or you may want to use conditional formatting to use a different colour if
A1>30 (or A1>=30, depending on how you want to treat the half-way line, or
you could use two conditions and have the half-way line itself as a neutral
I would use three columns to indicate the position of the ball.

The first column would be to indicate which team has the ball (Home/Visitor, for

The second column would indicate the yard marker.

And the third would indicate which side of the 50 (home/visitor again)

Then the 4th column would have the net gain (just the number of yards).

The 5th column would have the AfterNetGainSideOf50 (a formula).

And the 6th column would be the AfterNetGainYardMarker:

I put that stuff in columns A:F with headers in row 1.

I used H and V as my indicators for columns A and C.

This was the formula in E2:

This was the formula in F2:
Dave - Thanks that was helpful as well. The only part I can't figure out is
how to account for negative yardage, if we lose yards on a play. Take a look

h/v Yard Ln H/V 30 Gain H/V after Yard Ln After
H 25 H 5 H 30
30 H 5 V 25
25 V 5 V 30
20 V 5 V 25
15 V -5 V 10
20 V 15 H 25
5 V 5 V 10
0 0 0
It looks perfect.

You started on the 15, lost 5 yards and ended on the 10.

Remember that each row needs each field in the first few columns. (Not sure why
your post didn't include the h/v in the first column for each row.)
Sorry I left out the H and V and it would have made it more clear. the 15
Yard line was the visitors or other side of the Mid Field line, so a loss of
5 yards would actually move it back to the 20 yard line, that is the part I
am having trouble accounting for.
If the visitors have the ball on their own 15 yard line and are thrown for a
loss of 5 yards, they'll be on their own 10 yard line.

If the home team has the ball on the visitors 15 yard line and lose 5, then
they'll be on the visitors 20. So make sure you specify the correct side of the
50 and the correct indicator for who has the ball.
Sorry I left out the H and V and it would have made it more clear. the 15
Yard line was the visitors or other side of the Mid Field line, so a loss of
5 yards would actually move it back to the 20 yard line, that is the part I
am having trouble accounting for.