Football Manager 2007

Mar 5, 2004
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Ive got a little friendly (so far!) rivalry with a mate and we would like to play Football Manager 2007 against each other and see who wins. Question is, is it possible to take charge of a team each in the same league, but over the internet?? Does it actually work well enough and allow us to challenge each other in the league?


yes it will work
only if both of your copies are legitimate
no copied versions will work in a network game across the Internet!

One of you would need to be the server the other would then become the client.
I would suggest that the person with the most powerful PC became the server.

Do some trial and errors on it and check out sites like
I wanted to get 10 friends to do a league but the problem is that everyone wants to be Manchester United and Chelsea!!!
What do sites like give you? I assume we can just do almost like a direct connection?

Can one of us carry on playing even if the other isn't online? Does it just synch everything up when the other person signs in?


thedugout has some forums
which will help you even more.

I think it gives time limits which you have to set at the server.
If a manager fails to respond then that manager would be sent on holiday meaning that the human user will not be controlling their team it would be the computer controlling it.

When you do give it a go let me know.

Might be interested in joining your league
maybe we could get a few more people from pcr to join in
could be a good laugh. :)