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Aug 25, 2005
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Are any of you gusy watching it?? anyways i was very excited about the show being down to the final three until... i read the most recent chelsea program and i wont ruin it for everyone but i thikn by accident it says who won indeirectly. It sorta ruined the show to me but what do u people think of it??
I've not seen this - what's it about? Something along the lines of PopIdol?
well it is similar to pop idol but it is run by chelsea football club looking for the next young talent who hasnt been spotted. I think it is a 6 week show and this sunday is the final show. The players are kicked out one by one by the head of the chelsea youth academy. It is a fun show to watch especially if you are a chelsea fan as you also see a bit of how the club is run. If you havnt seen it before it is on sky1 sundays at 7pm this week is the final week so i think it should be good.