Foormatting SUBJECT in export to Email REport

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin
  • Start date Start date


I have a macro that exports my previous months sales to all our reps but I
want to format the subject in the email to say for example the Month of
November 2007. I can use the = Format(DateAdd("m", -1, Date()), "mmmm yyyy")
in the report but how can I impeiment that in the subject line of the email
during the export macro SendObject.

Thanks ahead of timer

if you show some more of the code, maybe I can help. I do not know much
about access but do know a few things about vbscript.
Hi Kevin,

Just put the expression in the Subject field of the SendObject macro,
="Month of " & Format(DateAdd("m",-1,Date()),"mmmm yyyy")
Absolutely correct I forgot the = when i first put it in the subject but it
works like a charm thanks