if you have not tried this yet.
clik start then clik search clik find; enter in file
box "font" then make sure it looks in your "c drive" (if
it shows a different drive use drop down box for choices),
clik search and the computer will locate all the fonts
different fonts on your hard drive; you can view any
folder or item except anything that has a microsoft flag
page which you do not want to tamper with. Some software
or hardware such as printers come with fonts as well when
you read the "IN FOLDER" fonts location
-----Original Message-----
Does MS Word come with it's own set of fonts? I am using
a computer, formerly used by the secretary, on a network.
MSWord displays a bunch of fonts that I can't find
anywhere on my hard-drive. The secretary is not so
computer savvy. I'm sure if I ask her where she got all
these fonts, she won't know