


I've been trying to add a font that someone emailed to me. It is Desiree's
Cool Dots
TrueType. Every time I go to install new font is tells me: The COOLDOTS.TTF
file is currently being used and cannot be replaced. Wait until windows is
finished using the file, and then try again. I haven't installed it what does
that mean, I'm not using the font, YET!

someone help this is so frustrating.


Helmut Weber


remove the font's files from the fonts' directory.
Create a new directory, like ...\MyFonts\CoolDots
Put the font's files into that directory.
Add the font with "copy fonts to Fonts folder" unchecked.

At least it worked for me.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

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