Fonts not printing properly in Runtime

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I just noticed today that my reports, when running under Runtime Access 2002,
are not using the Arial and Old English fonts; instead they are coming out in
a fixed font, looks like Courier, but not very pretty. The Applicaiton's
forms are using Tahoma and Old English; Arial and Old English are both in the
Windows/Fonts directory. Any thoughts on why this is?

Does this only occur with the run time? Fonts can from time to time need to
be reinstalled so you should try that first. To do so, copy ALL the arial
fonts to a different folder, then delete the fonts from the fonts folder and
from the explorer file menu choose install new fonts. Navigate to the
folder where you copied the font file and select to install them; see if
that helps.
I tried as you suggested. My Explorer "File" doesn't have an "Install Font"
option, so I selected them, then did a drag/drop into Fonts, and it seemed to
recognize that it was to install them. However, the reports still don't use
Arial for their printing. Yes, it occurs only with runtime. I have one
computer that I have removed Office Pro from in order to have a realistic
test bed for Runtime. I must say, however, that as far as I know, this is a
very recent occurrence, and doesn't happen with Access 2002. And I haven't
gotten any complaints from Runtime users. Actually, I have migrated users of
my old (1992) vintage program to Access/Runtime because of printer problems
with XP printing on new printers. If this is contageous, I don't know what I
will do. If you have any other ideas, I would certainly appreciate them.