Fonts in Web Browser are small

  • Thread starter Thread starter IMRAN
  • Start date Start date
if you have a mouse with a scoll wheel, press and hold down the "Ctrl" butoon
on your keyboard and scroll the wheel up or down to the desired size.
IMRAN said:
Some fonts specialy in and even on
other sites are small in IE6.

Please advise how to inrease the size.

Thanks in advance

If the page author has used relative font sizes (% or em) in the
HTML/CSS then use 'View'-->'Text Size' and select the size you want.

That won't work if the author has not used relative sizes (e.g. they've
use px). In that case, if it's important to do so, you need to use
'Tools' -->'Internet Options'-->'Accessibility' -->'Ignore font sizes
specified on Web pages'
