Fonts in Credits?

  • Thread starter Thread starter joeZy
  • Start date Start date


When I make up a credits lists the first part of the
credit turns out with a smaller font than the second
For example my credits are grouped into two lines and
look like:

Joe Blow
Jan 15, 2001

Jane Blow
Feb 21, 2003

The name part comes out in a much smaller font than the
date part.

Would appreciate your help.

Hello there,

What you describe is intentional. If you don't like that style check out the
other styles.
Thanks for the reply but I still don't understand. I'm
using the first style on the menu: "Scroll, Up Stacked --
Paired stacked credits scroll up."
I have no control on the font size of the first line of
the pair. Is this the 'intentional' part you mention
that there is no control on the first line?
The other styles are no better as far as I can determine.

Thanks, joeZy
Hello there,

Yes, I am afraid that's it. The text options like many other options in Movie
Maker are set at discreet levels. Quite a few people have reverted to using
other programs to put text at any given place and return to Movie Maker for the
rest. I use a program called MovieDV for text nowadays. You can see a basic
demo of that by downloading one of the first two video clips on my website.