fonts and effects

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Two quickies questions:
If I download new fonts off the net are they automatically usable in WMM. If
not, is there a way to get them in there?
Also, is there a way to delete effects out of ....well, Movie Maker. This is
mostly out of curiosity and not a big deal, but there are some I know I will
never use and would just like to dump em out so that I don't have scroll
through all of em to get to the goodies (yeah, cause thats so
Thanks folks!
freak3 said:
Two quickies questions:
If I download new fonts off the net are they automatically usable in WMM.
not, is there a way to get them in there?

As long as you installed them in your /windows/fonts directory then they
will be available to WMM.
Also, is there a way to delete effects out of ....well, Movie Maker. This
mostly out of curiosity and not a big deal, but there are some I know I
never use and would just like to dump em out so that I don't have scroll
through all of em to get to the goodies (yeah, cause thats so
Thanks folks!

I believe the transitions/effects originally included with WMM are stored in
DLL files so deleting them would not be a good thing to do. Any additional
ones you had downloaded and do not wish to keep are stored in the movie
maker /shared/AddOnTFX/ folder
Here I go back to the dumb newbie question but how does one get to where
downloaded effects/transitions are stored? The ones I am looking to loose are
the adorage (sp?) I did a trial version of and am not ready to purchase so
I'd like to see em gone.
Also, since I'm on the topic of cleaning up WMM, there is a bar along the
top the will open up previous collections and while there is nothing in them
(from the first movie I made) they are still listed when you click the down
arrow. How do I get that stuff out? I realize it nothing big, i just like to
be neat and tidy. THANKS!
The Adorage ones should be located in one of the following two locations:

C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\shared\AddOnTFX

C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Microsoft\Movie

where <user> is your login name on XP. Just rename the xml file to soemthing
other than xml. This should be sufficient to eliminate it laoding. This way
you can easily restore them in case.
Rehan answered the 1st question. I'll add that his advice to rename in case
you want them later is good advice. You could also simply move them to a
backup folder located someplace else or, if you know you won't want them
back, delete them completely.

As to the 2nd question that's simple.
Click on the "Collections" button and all your collections will be listed in
the left pane.
Click on the empty collection folder you want to delete and press the delete
key. Done.
Thanks so much! That was so durned easy, I feel like a silly man now!
Until the next time!
See freak3 that's why I like answering questions for you. You get so excited
when you learn something new :)