
  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben
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Hi all -

I am trying to send an email out from Access 2003 via Outlook 2003.
In the document, I have two paragraphs. Each paragraph is preceded by a
paragraph title (it is simply a small line of text). I used HTML as the
body format.

I would like to increase space between the two paragraphs, I used a
series of <P></P> tags and a combination of <P> <B> </B> </P> tags to no
avail. I cannot seem to increase the space between the two paragraphs.
Can you suggestion something?

Also, when I tried to create the email using the rich text format, how
would I, in code, bold the paragraph title?

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

This is not truly a db questions and you'd be better served to ask it in a
HTML forum.

That said, I know of at least 2 ways to handle this

1. When you create your series of <p></p> tags add a in it to ensure that
it is populated. <p> </p>

2. The best method is to create inline styles (css) in your html head
section and then use them in your body (See example below).

<style type="text/css">
h1 {
font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 17pt;
text-align: center;
font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11pt;
text-align: justify;
padding: 25px 0px 25px 0px;

<h1>E-mail Title </h1>
<p>Dear Mr Smith,</p>
<p>Thank you so very much for contacting us.</p>
<p class="blue">I am blue</p>
<p class="spacy">I have extra margin around</p>
<p>Sincerely, </p>
<hr />
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
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