Sorry, I don't know. I can't reproduce what you are describing with your
page, with your page. I've tried what you describe and it behaves as
expected. Are you saving your page before you Preview In Browser?
| I downloaded Firefox just to look at my websites.
| That is all I use it for. IE is my default browser.
| Nothing has changed. In Firefox (and Display),
| ORDER FORMS is bigger than everything else, like
| it should be. In IE, everything is the same size, which
| doesn't agree with the code.
| In both browsers, choosing larger or smaller type
| doesn't change the above, it just makes everything
| bigger or smaller.
| It is later. I have been experimenting in FP (not
| publishing). I can type ORDER FORMS in size 1, that
| is what will show in code, but when I Preview in
| Browser, all four lines are the same size...I can type
| ORDER FORMS in size 7, that is what will show in
| code, but when I Preview in Browser, all four lines
| are the same size. Therefore, everything comes out
| in default size, no matter what size I use.
| What do I have to do to have different size type
| in IE?
| --
| (e-mail address removed)
| | > Side by side in IE and FF, they appear identical on my machine. But, I
| > make them different if I want.
| >
| > In IE: View | Text Size set it for the look the same now?
| >
| >
| > | > |I don't understand your answer. In Firefox,
| > | ORDER FORMS is 5, and the rest of that line,
| > | and the three lines below it are 4. In IE,
| > | everything is 4. I am talking about what you
| > | see, not what the code says. Is there an
| > | error in the code? I didn't touch the code, I
| > | only looked at it.
| > | -
| > | (e-mail address removed)
| > |
| > message
| > | | > | > It is 5, the Adobe link to the right is 4.
| > | > Pt size is for print.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > |I used size 5 (18 pt) for the words ORDER FORMS.
| > | > | In Design view it is that size, with Firefox it is
| > | > | that size, but in IE it is only 4 (14 pt). I looked at
| > | > | the code (which I know almost nothing about) and I
| > | > | see size 5. What am I doing wrong?
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > | --
| > | > | (e-mail address removed)
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >