Font size for all folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter David
  • Start date Start date


In order to set the folder font size for all col's in Outlook 2003, you need
to customize the properties - current views for each view and folder. Is
there a tool that automates this process? What a time saver this would be...

David said:
In order to set the folder font size for all col's in Outlook 2003,
you need to customize the properties - current views for each view
and folder. Is there a tool that automates this process? What a time
saver this would be...

Instead of customizing the current view, customize the view that the folders
are using; that would must likely be the Messages view. View>Arrange
By>Current View>Define Views. Select Messages and click Modify. Once you
doi that, all folders using the Messages view will have the new settings.
If you have any folders for which you've modified the current view, they
won't change. You can start Outlook once with the /cleanviews command line
switch to remove all cusomizations first, then change the default view as I
Thanks Brian - that helps but you still have to do all the views or at least
the ones that can be changed, then in each view you change the font size in
"Other Settings" and "Automatic" for each one.

I still think a tool that could cycle through all the folder properties and
pick out the 8pt fonts, change them to 9pt etc. and do this in 20 seconds or
so would be a asset.

Still looking for a automated solution...

David said:
Thanks Brian - that helps but you still have to do all the views or
at least the ones that can be changed, then in each view you change
the font size in "Other Settings" and "Automatic" for each one.

Since the Message view is the default view for all mail folders (except
Outbox and Sent Items), using /cleanviews, then modifying the Message view
will change ALL mail folders at one time.