Lloyd Dupont
My application is displaying multilingual text.
When the user file is loaded on another computer and the font is not found I
fallback to FontFamily.GenericSansSerif
But this font doesn't support unicode :-( at least it display the default
glyp (a rectangle) for many chineese characters.
I was thinking to use "Arial Unicode MS" as the default font.
However it's not found on all computer.
So I was thinking to embed it into my application (or better: ship it,
although that would increase the complexity of the installer).
Is it allright?
I mean such a name makes me think it's allright (lawful) to deploy this font
on all MS platform, but if I open the Font file it says:
"Digitized data copyright (C) 1993-200 Agfa Monotype Corporation. All rights
reserved. Arial(R) is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be
registered in certain jurisdictions."
Any thouhgt?
When the user file is loaded on another computer and the font is not found I
fallback to FontFamily.GenericSansSerif
But this font doesn't support unicode :-( at least it display the default
glyp (a rectangle) for many chineese characters.
I was thinking to use "Arial Unicode MS" as the default font.
However it's not found on all computer.
So I was thinking to embed it into my application (or better: ship it,
although that would increase the complexity of the installer).
Is it allright?
I mean such a name makes me think it's allright (lawful) to deploy this font
on all MS platform, but if I open the Font file it says:
"Digitized data copyright (C) 1993-200 Agfa Monotype Corporation. All rights
reserved. Arial(R) is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be
registered in certain jurisdictions."
Any thouhgt?