font instal - to request visitor....

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I know it's damn near impossible to embed a font in a web page, I'v
given WEFT a run and still failed!! Client is requesting a special
font on the site -
So I see the only way around it is to request the visitor to do so,
it's up to them to do, we can only request it.
Question is - how exactly would I set the font on the page .. I doubt a
simple link to it would work - that would act like a download.. and
ask then to run or save... and to ask a site visitor to save the file
into their fonts folder - is just asking toooo much.... I know several
who couldn't navigate their way out of a paper bag!! much less find
their way to the fonts folder on C drive and deposit the file (font) in
there! So... can I set up some kind of "instal" ? put the font
into and .exe file somehow - that way it'd make it much easier ~ it'd
auto install into the correct folder.. er.. or would it? anyway - you
get the idea~( i hope :) --- anyone know how to go about it?
oh.. and by the way.... th efont in question appears as a heading or
Name to many products in the site ~ wayyyy too many to sit down and
create an image file for each and every one of them! not only would it
be and helluva job to do - but it'd weigh the site down too much with
al the additional (even if small) images!
many thanks.
Oh.. one more thing ~ maybe as well as this... is there a way of
specifying an Alternate font when the one your using is not available
on the visitors Pc ? this might be another way around it, or at least
replace it with one of OUR chosing and size, instead of letting it
default to who knows what! and particularly to control the size- as
when it defaults to another font it tends to also default to a larger
What is the particular font you want to use?

Simple solution: convince your client that it is not worth the effort trying
to use a fancy font - 99.9% of users probably won't bother installing the

Or, alternatively use the fancy font for titles only, and make graphics of
them in your image editor.

As you've said, it is up to the user to download and install the font.

To install it all the user need to is copy the font file(s) to the fonts
or right click/choose install (or whatever procedure).

The way to specify a range of fonts like

body {font-family: arial, trebuchet ms, verdana; font-size:10pt;}
(put the above within the <head> and </head> tags).

So it will try arial, then trebuchet then verdana in that order if it
doesn't find each preceding one. The default font is Times New Roman.

I'm not sure about a "self installing" font/setup file like you ask.

It sounds like too much effort to get visitors to install the font, and too
much effort to make images using the facny font, then I say convince the
client it's too much work or if they REALLY want it, then charge 75% more
for your time and effort!
thanks for that - I'll give your font code a try )
the font in question is Harrington, ( or as it appears in the font
folder.. "Harngton.ttf " )
and yep it's pretty widely used in the site - Product listings and
description, the name of each product, and heading above each,
(description is normal arial font ) but over about a dozen pages~ or
is it 18?! :) and with several products per page.. flash or images
etc.. would just be too much - and weight the site down .
the only option is to make the font available to instal, and some brief
text like~ "to display the site as intended, plese instal this font on
your system - and leave it up to them to decide. my thoughts were,
if someone Does decide to instal it - to make it as painless as
possible, would be to somehow create an installer.. so they don't have
to instal the font manually - an installer that would actualy install
the font for them, removing the 'effort' on their part. - but that~
I'm not sure how to go about - I'll search about n see if I can uncover
the answer.
It won't work. Who will do it? Who will even notice it? Do you have
permission to redistribute it? Fuggedaboutit!
I would guess that less than 1 in 1000 would actually download it, and even
fewer would be able to figure out how to install it.

Your client needs an education on the facts of the internet, but better you
than me...