Fomula in a Text Box

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I have form for employees, on this form there is an is a field in which the date of the employees induction is stored

I created a text box and added the formula below to highlight if the employee needed a review induction. ie if the employee had been there for more than 1 year, then a review needs to be done. I want this to display on the form because it will only be looked at if a casual employee is going permanent BUT if I put the "greater than" sign one way they all come up the same and if I reverse it they all come up the other remark. Waht have I done wrong...

=iif([Induction Date]>(now()-365),"A review induction must be completed","A review induction is not necessary"

All help much appreciated


="A review induction " & IIf(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, [Induction Date]) > Date(),
"must be completed.", "is not necessary.")

However, there appears to be no way to include employees who were inducted
more than a year ago, but have not had their induction review yet. I suggest
adding a field to indicate the date an induction review was conducted. Then
you could include that in your formula.

="A review induction " & IIf(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, [Induction Date]) >= Date(),
"must be completed.", IIf([Review Date] Is Null, "is overdue.", "is not

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

Microsoft Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference

PJ said:
I have form for employees, on this form there is an is a field in which
the date of the employees induction is stored.
I created a text box and added the formula below to highlight if the
employee needed a review induction. ie if the employee had been there for
more than 1 year, then a review needs to be done. I want this to display on
the form because it will only be looked at if a casual employee is going
permanent BUT if I put the "greater than" sign one way they all come up the
same and if I reverse it they all come up the other remark. Waht have I done
=iif([Induction Date]>(now()-365),"A review induction must be
completed","A review induction is not necessary")