Followup to browser problem: Okay, now look what you did to me!LOL

  • Thread starter Thread starter Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
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Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply

So in trying to figure out what do to about this nasty Netscape-crashing
problem, I ended up downloading Mozilla Firebird and Thunderbird and
spent two days converting over from Netscape.

I haven't loved Netscape so much ever since I had version 3. This is
totally bunches quicker than Netscape 7.1, which was starting to hang on
me since I had recently upgraded it.

Firebird is not crashing. Going from message to message is as fast as
it used to be on the really old versions of Netscape and almost as fast
as PINE. Color me a *very* happy camper.

Thanks, folks. I am going to stick with my IE 5.5 and maybe try a shell
with tabbed browsing later, but I am just pleased as punch with this.
Just need to figure out how to coordinate a download manager window
instead of separate windows for each download and I will be all set.
| ....
| I am going to stick with my IE 5.5
| ....

Melinda ....

I run a 4.5 year old 250 MHz Compaq 'puter
with Win98_SE ....

I've been thru IE [ 4 , 5.0 , 5.1 , 5.5 , 6 ] ....

Of the all the IE versions I've used,
IE6 works the best and seems to cause
fewer problems overall than the earlier ones ....
Cousin said:
Of the all the IE versions I've used,
IE6 works the best and seems to cause
fewer problems overall than the earlier ones ....

Hmmm... Well, seeing as though I am allergic to Microsoft and the only
time I want to use IE is when I *have* to, and seeing as though Firebird
is not crashing like Netscape was doing, I think I'm going to put that
on my long-term planning list.
Ewww, IE6 is one of the worst! (and thats without mentioning the fact that
you need to download Sun's Java before you can have Java with it!)

Stick with IE5.5 if I were you


Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group CEO

I know I'm probably wrong, I just like taking part ;o)
| Ewww, IE6 is one of the worst! (and thats without mentioning the fact
| that you need to download Sun's Java before you can have Java with it!)

Steven ....

Proverbially, mileage may vary, but IE6 has worked out
the best for me of the various IE versions I've used ....

The old MS Java VM, Java Version 5.00.3810,
still works with IE6, if you had a previous install,
although it's several releases behind what's happening
at Sun Java-wise ....
Boomer said:
Mozilla support newsgroups over there -------->

Thanks. :)

If you will excuse me, you can read what you quoted above and see even
with the little bit of out-of-context quote you left above that I most
assuredly wasn't asking for help as to why Netscape was crashing. (and
yes, you may beg my pardon for not seeing the distinct lack of asking
for help for that problem -- I originally mentioned that this was the
reason *why* I was looking for a different browser, and I was just
casually mentioning that again to jog anybody's memory since I was
starting a different thread)
Ewww, IE6 is one of the worst! (and thats without mentioning the fact
that you need to download Sun's Java before you can have Java with

Sun Java is world's better than the crap prior versions of IE shipped with.
Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply <[email protected]>
Firebird is not crashing. Going from message to message is as
fast as it used to be on the really old versions of Netscape and
almost as fast as PINE. Color me a *very* happy camper.

Thanks, folks. I am going to stick with my IE 5.5 and maybe try
a shell with tabbed browsing later, but I am just pleased as
punch with this.

I'm pleasantly surprised that you actually tried the Fire-Thunderbird
combination, since you seemed firmly decided to avoid anything
Netscape or Mozilla related...

Good goings! Spread the word!

Wald said:
I'm pleasantly surprised that you actually tried the Fire-Thunderbird
combination, since you seemed firmly decided to avoid anything
Netscape or Mozilla related...

Oh, dear. Either I mis-stated myself or you misunderstood. I
absolutely ADORE Netscape and have used it since version 2. I just was
coming up against a number of websites whose webmasters refuse to make
their sites compatible with Netscape and was trying to find something
else that might work without having to resort *too* much to the dreaded
M$ beast. I am not particularly happy with Netscape 7.1, though -- it's
too clunkky for my tastes and it doesn't like my keystroke commands too
well and seems to prefer a mouse.