Stormbreak Youth Program
Hi, I hope that you all can help me. I am the Program Manager for a teen
shelter. I need help revamping our followup database. The database that we
have been using is not able to do as much as we need it to. What we do is
collect data on a variety of subjects, i.e. living situation, school,
drug/alcohol use, mental health, etc. at intake, 1 month after discharge,
and 6 months after discharge. The database is currently set up in 3
tables - intake, 1 mo, 6 mo. Each table has a corresponding form, query and
report. The tables are pretty much identical to each other - you enter the
resident name, case #, etc. then answer each of the questions, which
predominantly have combo boxes (possible answers yes, no, skip) in the
forms. We then have 3 reports (intake data, 1-mo, 6-mo) which break down
the responses to all the questions for that time period, e.g. #/% enrolled
in school yes, no, skip. But that is all that we can do with it.
I know that the tables are not set up right. I know there should be a table
for residents that has name, case #, intake date, exit date. But then,
should there be intake, 1 month, and 6 month tables, each with the same
questions, or should I break it down by question topic i.e. school,
drug/alcohol, family, etc.? If the latter, how do I then tell the database
to discern between intake, 1 month, and 6 month data?
What I would like my database to do: to be able to select a group of data to
analyze, i.e. intake data on all kids who left the program in 2003, or
compare one youth's intake data to 1-mo and 6-mo, or all 1-mo data to 6-mo
I have been trying to figure this out on my own and by browsing newsgroups,
referring to books, etc. but it's not happening. Can anyone help me?
Kathi Ritchey
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shelter. I need help revamping our followup database. The database that we
have been using is not able to do as much as we need it to. What we do is
collect data on a variety of subjects, i.e. living situation, school,
drug/alcohol use, mental health, etc. at intake, 1 month after discharge,
and 6 months after discharge. The database is currently set up in 3
tables - intake, 1 mo, 6 mo. Each table has a corresponding form, query and
report. The tables are pretty much identical to each other - you enter the
resident name, case #, etc. then answer each of the questions, which
predominantly have combo boxes (possible answers yes, no, skip) in the
forms. We then have 3 reports (intake data, 1-mo, 6-mo) which break down
the responses to all the questions for that time period, e.g. #/% enrolled
in school yes, no, skip. But that is all that we can do with it.
I know that the tables are not set up right. I know there should be a table
for residents that has name, case #, intake date, exit date. But then,
should there be intake, 1 month, and 6 month tables, each with the same
questions, or should I break it down by question topic i.e. school,
drug/alcohol, family, etc.? If the latter, how do I then tell the database
to discern between intake, 1 month, and 6 month data?
What I would like my database to do: to be able to select a group of data to
analyze, i.e. intake data on all kids who left the program in 2003, or
compare one youth's intake data to 1-mo and 6-mo, or all 1-mo data to 6-mo
I have been trying to figure this out on my own and by browsing newsgroups,
referring to books, etc. but it's not happening. Can anyone help me?
Kathi Ritchey
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