Doug - It's at another lient, but it's like the code below which works all
but that one time, where error 490 said it was unable to open the file...but
it opened fine manually.
Here's the code..where M, N & O are strings, Resp is a Byte
N = "C:\BobDev\M_OpTime.xls"
M = "The File " & N & vbCrLf
M = M & "Is Now Ready." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
M = M & " Open " & Chr(34) & N & Chr(34) & " ??"
O = "Open " & Chr(34) & N & Chr(34) & " ??"
Resp = MsgBox(M, vbQuestion + vbYesNo + 0, O)
If Resp = vbYes Then Application.FollowHyperlink N, , True
TIA - Bob