Follow Up on User Account Options



From what i recall, i got into the limited user account mode by disabiling
the administrator & guest accounts & setting the name of the user that was
signed in during the installation of windows to limited. There was no warning
that this would be permanent. Will not let boot up in safe mode, can not
enable slave drive or choose a backup destination or contact my online
security provider etc..., limited is exactly what it says. The pc came from
dell but the OS disk is out dated, i am forced to buy new xp & reinstall. Let
this be a warning to all unless a solution is found but i don't know due to
security reasons. Don't do what i did!!!! I hope this will be usefull to
Microsoft also.


leeho said:
From what i recall, i got into the limited user account mode by disabiling
the administrator & guest accounts & setting the name of the user that was
signed in during the installation of windows to limited. There was no
warning that this would be permanent. Will not let boot up in safe mode,
can not enable slave drive or choose a backup destination or contact my
online security provider etc..., limited is exactly what it says. The pc
came from dell but the OS disk is out dated, i am forced to buy new xp &
reinstall. Let this be a warning to all unless a solution is found but i
don't know due to security reasons. Don't do what i did!!!! I hope this
will be usefull to Microsoft also.

You're not talking to Microsoft and certainly what you wrote above isn't
going to be "useful" to anyone. I'm not sure what possessed you to make all
those mistakes, but they are easily fixed by someone who knows what s/he is

I strongly suggest that you take the machine to a competent local computer
tech (not a BigComputerStore/GeekSquad) type of place. The tech will be
able to get into your computer and fix the user account issues in under 5
minutes. I'll tell you how to do it yourself but based on what you wrote
above, I don't think you should mess about with the machine any more. I'm
not saying this to hurt your feelings, just being practical.

Enable the built-in Administrator with NTpasswd. Reboot into that account
and fix the user accounts. Download the bootable CD .iso, burn with
third-party burning software (as an image, not as data), boot with the
media you created. You may need to change the boot order in the BIOS or get
a temporary boot order menu with a special keypress. NTpasswd will run.
Follow the instructions carefully.


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