Foldershare - How to restrict which folders can be shared?



Instead of using (to provide an IP name lookup on my
dynamically assigned IP address) and UltraVNC (mostly to provide access
to my files rather than remotely control my home computer), I thought
I'd try Microsoft's FolderShare ( This has
a "satellite" client-side program run on my home computer which then
allows access to my files from remote hosts. I can use the web download
feature to retrieve files or create "libraries" that can be accessed
remotely using the web interface. Looked good until I realized that the
client-side "satellite" program exposes ALL files on my home computer.

I have program code and documentation which is considered sensitive and
should never be divulged outside my intranetwork. However, the
FolderShare client runs under the currently logged on account which is
an admin-level account and so there is access to all files. Even files
that are EFS protected are available via the FolderShare web site and
will be unencrypted (because the FolderShare "satellite" client is
running under the admin account so it has the same permissions as that
account). That means ALL files are available using the FolderShare web
interface (for libraries or web download). There is no option in the
client to configure which folders to exclude (to remove a few from many)
or which to include (to select just a few folders to allow remote

The FolderShare web site requires logging in but that is an overly
simplistic protection scheme. The login credentials (username and
password) could be cracked which would then expose all of the user's
files to someone else. Web download can be disabled in the FolderShare
client but that eliminates what would probably be the most used
function, for me. However, that still doesn't bar a user that cracked
the login credentials from navigating to ANY folder to add it to a
library to make all those files available. I found not function in the
FolderShare client that lets me specify which folders that it will
include or exclude in access from the FolderShare web site.

Without the ability to configure the FolderShare client that runs on my
home computer regarding which folders it will expose through the web
interface, the FolderShare service seems to be a blatant security
violation and makes it appear an immature service. Does anyone know of
a better service that allows remote file access, requires a client only
on the "home" host and nowhere else (so access can be through a web
interface), and takes care of the dynamic IP addressing so I don't need
to remember my IP address when, for example, using something like FTP?
FolderShare simply doesn't have the security needed to limit which
folders get exposed.


I could not agree with you more Vanguard. I set this up between a home pc
and my work pc, and was shocked when I got home, and realized that my
foldershare was hosting out every drive on my work pc, including all of my
mapped network drives. That is inexcusable from a security standpoint.
Microsoft, please give us the option to pick and choose folders to share or
synch. That is the only feature I think the product is lacking at this time.

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