Folders not remembering settings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave
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I know other people have this problem. If you resize your
folders in xp or change the view of the icons it goes back
after a few days or so. I don't know why this happens.
How can we let microsoft know about this. I searched the
site and couldn't find anything. Should I just be posting
it here. Is that enough. I would love to see this update
in windows update.

Thanks everyone.
Is 8000 the max? Or can we push that out further?

Silverman said:
I know other people have this problem. If you resize your
folders in xp or change the view of the icons it goes back
after a few days or so. I don't know why this happens.
How can we let microsoft know about this. I searched the
site and couldn't find anything. Should I just be posting
it here. Is that enough. I would love to see this update
in windows update.

Thanks everyone.

ACK! How could you POSSIBLY miss ALL THAT has been
discussed on this issue?!

New to this group? Haven't had time to get all the
articles in it? Just got a new computer?

Well, whatEVER; the answers you want are :

YES! There are solutions.

YES! You can find them here - we have an especially
wicked kewl critter called Kelly who is just GREAT that helps
EVERYONE out with her knowledge and expertise BUT BUT BUT BUT
you MUST understand that NO ONE HERE is **PAID** by ANYONE to

if you find help here. Else all the gods will pee in your
cornflakes and you'll be miserable forever!!

NO NO NO! MS does NOT "read" this group and NO OFFICIAL
MS rep is around, and if they are they are NOT going to admit
it because this is ONLY US USERS here.

NOW on to YOUR question:

There is the preferred and current way to do it:

Subject: Re: Windows Not Retaining Size
From: "Kelly" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize

Hi Bob,

Stretch out the window using the double arrows, then under
File/Close or

Windows remembers 400 folder settings. When that number is
reached some
settings aren't retained any longer. You can change this to
8000 by adding
this edit to the registry.

Run this edit, then reset your preferred folder options:

Increase Folder View Options Limit: (Line 2)

To use the Regedit: Save the REG File to your hard disk.
Double click it
and answer yes to the import prompt. REG files can be viewed
in Notepad by
right clicking on the file and selecting Edit.

Windows Explorer/View/[Select Accordingly]. Then Tools/Folder
Options/View/Apply to All Folders.


Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Bob said:
When I set the size of the Windows Explorer window, then
reboot, log off, or restart, and then open Windows
Explorer again, it is not the same size, it has returned
to the way it was the first time I opened XP.

In previous versions of all the versions of Windows and
NT I have used back to Windows 3.0, exception being ME
(never used that one), the size I set a window to stayed
the same until I changed the size.

Please respond to me directly or cc my email.



So just trot yourself over to Kelly's site at and grab the
tool on line #2 and be done with you.

I think that will be your BEST bet as you seem "new" to
all this.

-I- posted the "Type A (for ANAL) Personality Favored
Fix" for this but it's dealing with the registry, and it
assumes certain knowledge on your part and well.. okies, here
it is, below, but if you can't understand it or follow it then
leave it alone, okies?

I hope it all helped you. :)

-------------------- EXTREME SOLUTION FOLLOWS ----------

Subject: Extreme Folder Size - Keep size solution.
From: Silverman <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize

Now Kelly has a MUCH more elegant solution. It allows a
dynamic correction to the STUPID RETARDED PURELY USELESS MS
SCREW UP with the Folders NOT keeping their size and positions
after you close them and / or reboot.

programing. I mean really, Win 9X did a HECK of a lot better
job remembering folder size and positions than XP ever has.

KK. BRIEF outline: The registry at a point keeps track of
folders. Once you get beyond a certain limit the "older info"
gets trashed. Or is it the newer? Pfft like anyone can tell.
What we DO know is that all of a sudden all those things you
changed (like the size, positions, tool bars, etc) on your
favorite folders that you use a lot and want "just the right
size and way" are TRASHED.




Those two reg points hold the info. Now Kelly, that great
wonderful always patient (even with the snot heads) always
giving critter that is masochistically hanging around here
(thank GOD for that too! else we would ALL be up the river
without even a CLUE), has a wonderful site that she keeps up
and it has simple and elegant ways of keeping / resetting /
adjusting the built in XP problem with bags and a 400 limit.

-I- got so digusted I went a TAAAADD bit further.

I'm telling you what -I- did in case some other rabid
"just get it set forever" type A mental slob wants to do it
this way too:

1. I created a notepad file called "bagsout.reg" and put in
these lines: (they should not wrap)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


NOTE: Pay ATTENTION to those "-" they are there for a

2. I double clicked on "bagsout.reg" and said yes to importing
it into the registry. Now, at this point; I have no bags, no
folders set, no sizes set. Everything is clear.

3. I went to the folders I wanted to manipulate. I changed
their sizes, the toolbars shown, turned off the status bar on
some, resized others, did all of that to a third, yada yada
yada to all the folders I wanted to change, closing them as I
finished setting them up.

Now at this point I had "gone through" all the folders I
cared about and made them as I wanted them and how I wanted
them forever from now on till the day I die. There were like
12 folders in all including Scheduled tasks, the control
panel, My Documents, etc.

4. I went into Regedit and went to:


I exported that key into a reg file called "bags.reg"

5. I went to "bags.reg" and deleted everything in it from
\DUIBags] down. (Yes, that means INCLUDING DUIBags)

STOP AND REST POINT: So what we have now are two .reg files.
One deletes everything and one has the "folders set and setup
and ready to go" information in it.

Now all we need to do is to find a way to run, at a time we
specify, "bagsout.reg" and then "bags.reg".


6. I put "bagsout.reg" and "bags.reg" into the C:\Windows
\Command folder and then I created a batch file with note pad
that has the following lines in it:

regedit /s C:\Windows\Command\bagsout.reg
regedit /s C:\Windows\Command\Bags.reg

I called the file "bags.bat" and put it in C:\Windows

7. I created a task in task scheduler to run "bags.bat" at 1
am. Everyday. Every single day. Forever. Muwahahaha - MS kiss
my.. anyway, you get the idea.

Everyday at 1am I delete any and all folder settings from
XP as far as size, position, etc, and then I put in what I
want so I get the size and position and everything the way I
want it. It takes less than a second. Don't EVEN have to
reboot. I could do it 4 times a day. I'm not THAT far gone yet

What happens when I want to change it? I only have to use
"bagsout.reg" and then "bags.reg" and then make any additional
changes to whatever additional folders I want and then do what
I did in number 4 and 5. That will end up replacing
"bags.reg" with the "new" info. Everything else stays set and

Now I'm sorry this all sounds so very difficult and
detailed. But it's really simple. I mean you're using .reg
files and entries to wipe out bags, then you're setting the
folders up, saving their info, and then using a batch file and
task scheduler to put that info in every day thus keeping your
settings nice and clean and new.

Anal? You betcha! Pain in the butt to set up? - well,
kind of. Will it guarantee them there folders stay put? - so
far it has. :)

Best part: in 2 years from now when you HAVE used the
other solution of increasing the bags from 400 to 8000 and you
HAVE gotten 8000 bags; your world won't still get messed up
AND you do NOT end up with thousands of USELESS entries in an
already LARGE registry file.

Which REALLY ticks me off at that, especially since XP is
KNOWN to have that part all screwed up with shoddy programing.
I mean EVERYONE knows MS messed up on the way they keep track
of folder sizing and all so why don't they FIX IT!! - Grrr..
Who wants to have 8000 entries in the registry when only 10 to
20 have ANY info that matters?!!?!? STUPID MS!! BAD MS!! Go
sit in the corner till you FIX IT!

Thank you for your attention and I hope this helps you.

out answers to YOUR questions everytime you can!!!

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I have the same problemm and have searched for the answer
everywhere with no luck, would love to resolve this. It is
a pain to reset the views all the time.