i have 2 hard disks, C: and D:.. i was running windows XP
and switched to win2k.. i backed up the data on C: into
my "D:\C Drive" dir while in XP. now that i am in win2k
when i attempt to access (navigate) to that dir, it
says: "D:\C Drive is not accessible, Access is denied."
HOWEVER i cant access any other dir on the hard-disk..
I am admin of the box, i dont have encryption enabled, and
i have ownership of the file..
I took out the HD (D and stuck it in my other windows XP
box, i get the same error, 6 hours ago i was moving files
to and from this drive with no problem at all, now i cant
do a thing, whats going on here? does anyone know?
and switched to win2k.. i backed up the data on C: into
my "D:\C Drive" dir while in XP. now that i am in win2k
when i attempt to access (navigate) to that dir, it
says: "D:\C Drive is not accessible, Access is denied."
HOWEVER i cant access any other dir on the hard-disk..
I am admin of the box, i dont have encryption enabled, and
i have ownership of the file..
I took out the HD (D and stuck it in my other windows XP
box, i get the same error, 6 hours ago i was moving files
to and from this drive with no problem at all, now i cant
do a thing, whats going on here? does anyone know?