Folder Redirection Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger Johnson
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Roger Johnson

Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

I am trying to user folder redirection to create a couple of standard
desktops that only affect users when they logon to my terminal server.

The way I have approached this is create an OU called TermServers and moved
my server into it. Then I created a Global Security Group "ts_managers". I
then create a GPO on the TermServers OU, I configure folder redirection and
choose the advanced option, selection one of the security groups I created
and choose redirect to the following location. The path I enter is a
location on the server where I have already created a desktop folder and
populated it with the icons that I want to appear. One the settings tab I
have unchecked both options.

Once this is done I add the managers user OU to the ts_managers security
policy and apply. According to all that I have read this should be
everything that I need to do to create a standard desktop and assign it
using group membership. But when any users from that group login they don't
get the icons, even if I add a specific user to the group there is still no

Can someone please help, what am I doing wrong and how can I correct this.


Folder Redirection is a part of User Configuration of GP. Therefore, user
accounts, not computer accounts, should be under the scope of your GPO. From
your message it is unclear, and most likely they are not.

Another way is to use group policy loopback processing mode - then, you can
make it so that user configuration of the GPO applied to the computer where
the user logs on will be in effect on the user. This is normally used on
terminal servers and should be a recommended solution for you.

And of course, verify that users have effective full control to the target
folders where their folders get redirected.
Thanks for everyones help, but I am not able to get the policy to apply to
the user when they logon to my TS and I haven't recieved any event logs to
pretain to this.

So far this is what I have done:

I created a gpo on a computer OU and have moved my TS inside of it. On this
policy I have enabled Loopback processing and set it to Replace mode. I have
configured folder redirection in advanced mode and linking it to a security
group where I have added the user OU that I want affect by this policy. The
redirect location is local and I have populated it with the icons I require
for a given group and have users only read permissions so that the desktops
can't be altered.

Now with this said what am I doing wrong, because I am still not getting and
results. Just the standard desktop and no icons from to the redirected
location are being moved to the user desktop that are members of the
associated OU.

Thanks Again,


Looks like I am in business. I didn't have anyone on the server this time of
evening so I did a reboot and everythings working like it should.

Regarding your response. Once I created the security group I went to members
tab and instead of adding a single user I added the OU that included the
members I needed. I will however keep in mind your second suggestion in the
event I start have access problems.


This most likely indicates that a policy refresh was your problem - when it
happened at server reboot, you got your policies and loopback portion