For the folder give the group that you want to append files
read/list/execute permissions. Then go into advanced permissions and add
that group again and then in the "apply onto box" select files only and
check the allow permission for create folders/append data. Now I am not
sure if a user that appends data to a file will become the owner of the
file or not. You will have to check that. The reason that is important is
that if creator owner is present and has permissions assigned to it [often
full control] the owner of a file will be assigned the permissions that
creator owner is assigned. Creator owner can be removed if not
needed. --Steve
Definition of create folder/append data permission.
Create Folders/Append Data
Create Folders allows or denies creating folders within the folder
(applies to folders only).
Append Data allows or denies making changes to the end of the file
but not changing, deleting, or overwriting existing data (applies to files
Mark Scott said:
I need to set up a folder where one person can create new files and others
can only make amendments to the files in the folder and now create any
I have had a look at the special permission set and also the normal read
/ write / modify list and cannot see the combination I need, can it be