On Mar 30, 8:12 pm, "H ctor Miguel" <
[email protected]>
Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure how to use this (adapt it for
my purposes). Where do I change this so I can insert the folder name
that will be my 'parent' folder?
Am I having a blonde moment?
TIA- Hide quoted text -
To answer Esra question,
1. press [Alt]+[F11] to open the VB Editor.
2. Choose Insert --> Module and copy the code above given by Hector
and paste it into the module.
3. Close the VB Editor.
4. in cell A1, key in ur directory for your parent folder i.e. D:
5. run the macro (you could apply a short-cut key or put a button or
shape such as the text box from the drawing toolbar on the sheet and
attach the macro to it), and the folder listing will appear in column
To Hector,
Have a similar question, how can i get a file listing from a specific
folder including its subfolders?
for example, my parent folder is "Customer List"
under that Folder, i have several sub folders named like "A-F", "G-L",
"M-R", "S-Z",
and under each folders is the sales reports [.xls] or [.xlsx] for each
customers, named by their customer ID and the date of last modified.
can i get a master listing of these files (excluding the folders)
including the filetype? (either in one column or two column is fine)
Thanks a lot, i've been trying this for a while and it makes me
Min Yeh- Hide quoted text -
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