I am trying to retrieve the full path of a file in the
directory of the current solution using the FileInfo
class. However, when I examine the FullName property it
contains a reference to the bin directory, such as
F:\FileFolderTest\bin\FileFolderTest\frmFileTest even
though the file is not in the bin directory. The actual
location is F:\FileFolderTest\frmFileTest. Is there a way
to retrieve the actual file path without the bin reference.
Dim fi As FileInfo
fi = New FileInfo("frmFileTest")
'retrieve the full name
txtCurrentFull.Text = fi.FullName
'clean up
fi = Nothing
directory of the current solution using the FileInfo
class. However, when I examine the FullName property it
contains a reference to the bin directory, such as
F:\FileFolderTest\bin\FileFolderTest\frmFileTest even
though the file is not in the bin directory. The actual
location is F:\FileFolderTest\frmFileTest. Is there a way
to retrieve the actual file path without the bin reference.
Dim fi As FileInfo
fi = New FileInfo("frmFileTest")
'retrieve the full name
txtCurrentFull.Text = fi.FullName
'clean up
fi = Nothing