I appreciate the help.
I stay far away from fooling around with the registry. So if that is the
solution, I'll continue to use the laborious manual way.
When I copy a folder from my server, it always seems to appear as
a collection of large icons. I really am searching for a way I can click on
the newly imported folder, select a "list format" and have all sub-folders
files within it appear that way. I've tried just about everything to no
"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
It might and it mightn't. He wants file folders done so he would open a file
folder and do it. If file folders has been done previously then doing it in
My Computer will have no effect on file folders.
Saved folder settings are stored in BagMRU. Defaults and network/removable
drives are stored in Streams key (as everything was in earlier versions).
You have to do Apply To All while in a file folder.
For each type of object (File Folder, Control Panel, My Computer, etc) that
you do an Apply to All in it's clsid and the settings are created/updated at
{F3364BA0-65B9-11CE-A9BA-00AA004AE837} is ordinary folders, and other
numbers are what ever they are (My Comp, Control Panel, etc - note My Docs
is an ordinary folder). They only appear IF you do an apply to all in that
type of object.
as well as a higher set of defaults at
So the point being in the order that you do things. You want to do your
overall default setting last. This is how I advised someone who asked