Focus Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chaplain Doug
  • Start date Start date

Chaplain Doug

Access 2002. I have a subform with only three controls
(three fields). I need to disable (.Enabled = False) all
three controls at a particular point, but an error is
generated for one of them because it has the focus. How
may I make it so that none of these controls has the
focus, or how may I disable all the controls without
getting an error? Thanks for the ehlp.
Doug, you will have to put something else on the form that can have focus
(e.g. an unbound text box).
Thanks Alan, except the form is a datasheet and
the "dummy" unbound control now shows up as a column in
the form.

Another question: I have a reference

Forms![Update Student Records]![Update Student Records
subform]![Update Student Records subform2].Form.AllowEdits
= False

This was working just fine and now I am getting an error
message whenever I make the reference. The only change is
that the recordset behind the form is now empty, and
therefore the form will not display any data. But why can
I no longer reference it?
Try the ".Form" bit on the first-level subform:

Forms![Update Student Records]![Update Student Records subform].Form![Update
Student Records subform2].Form.AllowEdits = False

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Chaplain Doug said:
Thanks Alan, except the form is a datasheet and
the "dummy" unbound control now shows up as a column in
the form.

Another question: I have a reference

Forms![Update Student Records]![Update Student Records
subform]![Update Student Records subform2].Form.AllowEdits
= False

This was working just fine and now I am getting an error
message whenever I make the reference. The only change is
that the recordset behind the form is now empty, and
therefore the form will not display any data. But why can
I no longer reference it?
-----Original Message-----
Doug, you will have to put something else on the form that can have focus
(e.g. an unbound text box).
