I'm working in VS2005. And I'm using Atlas.
The dropdownlist is binded directly to a ObjectDataSource, this is binded to
a Entity than takes data from de DataBase.
And the General Function that I use to write the javascrit functions in all
the controls is:
Private Function SetOnOFControl(ByRef objLinea As Object, ByVal
nombreControl As String, _
Optional ByVal estilo As String = "etiquetaValue", Optional ByVal estiloSel
As String = "etiquetaValueSel") As Boolean
CType(objLinea.FindControl(nombreControl), Object).CssClass = estilo
Object).Attributes.Add("onfocus", "this.className='" & estiloSel & "'")
Object).Attributes.Add("onblur", "this.className='" & estilo & "'")
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
Private Function SetOnOfControlesGV(ByRef gvRow As GridViewRow) As Boolean
flagresp = SetOnOFControl(gvRow, "ddlGrupo")
Return True
End Function