Flying Windows

  • Thread starter Thread starter Graham H
  • Start date Start date

Graham H

On two of my systems.

When I install software and the Anti Spyware spots it, I
get a window telling me so, which runs up and then down
the side of my screen. If I manage to get my mouse onto
it then it stops but as it moves so quick then this is
hard to do.

Its not very useful as its almost impossible to read
whats in the windows good or bad :o)

I dont seem to be able to get the windows to stay still
unless I manage to click on the window as it flys past !

Both Systems Windows XP Pro SP2 and are part of a SBS
2003 Domain.


Graham 392677
This is a bug related to the position of the taskbar. If you have it left
or right, you'll see this, whilst top or bottom won't.

Fun to watch, once you know about it, though!
Thanks Bill,

Yes I always have my taskbar on the right hand side :o)
weird but I am.


As a temp fix, I have found if I hit 'PrtScrn' that will pause the scrolling
window for a moment, which if repeated or held down give me enough time to
read the window and choose what I need to.
