Flying Lesson

May 18, 2004
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Got bought a flying lesson for Christmas - a 1 hour premium pack deal from Adventure 001. Booked it today - next Sunday at Marshalls Airport in Cambridge. 4 seater plane, so I can take someone with me (aaargh!!)

Looks like i'll be flying a nice new Cessna 172SP :) Can't wait
Very nice Chris - you'll have to post some pics here :) Flying is great fun, so I'm sure you are going to love it.
ChrisP is now Biggles!

Have a great day Chris, you will get a great view & above all it will be fun!
I had a brilliant time when I flew in our works MD92 Explorer chopper, and I wasn't even at the controls so I'm sure it will be wicked! Can't wait - whoever goes in the back will be taken lots of pictures and i'll put them up on here. Ian - have you lowered the attachment limit? Everything I try to attach now seems to be too big!
I recon Chris read this article and this flight is just the first step in his plan to emulate Constable Appleby.,356144
