Florida spammer fined $11bn

Oct 21, 2005
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A big Hurrah!

A small Iowa-based ISP has been awarded $11.2bn (£6.5bn) in a record judgment against a Florida spammer. CIS Internet Services successfully sued James McCalla over claims he sent more than 280m illegal spam messages with fraudulent return addresses towards CIS accounts, punting mortgages, debt consolidation services, pornographic and gambling websites. The judgment by US District Judge Charles Wolle, issued in late December 2005, further bans McCalla from using the internet for three years.

The lawsuit against McCalla was one of a series of lawsuits filed by CIS Internet Services owner Robert Kramer in 2003. Earlier rulings against other junk mail purveyors in Florida and Arizona have extracted fines in excess of $1bn, AP reports.

Robert Kramer doesn't expect to receive any of this money (shame really, Canes V.) but reckons the lawsuits were still worthwhile because they help put junk mail providers out of business. "Gross abusers of e-mail risk exposure to public ridicule as well as the economic death penalty," Kramer said in a statement on the McCalla case.

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I wish somebody would nobble these idiots who keep trying to sell me fake Rolex watches & viagra :D
this is great news i get loads of spam a day trying to sell me @genuine@ software viagra rolexes etc.......... This is a step in the right direction against spamers:thumb:
"Economic death penalty"?!! What about the REAL death penalty?!!!

And on this subject, in hotmail when i delete my 30 junk mails every day i always click on the "report as spam" or whatever it says, but the same people always end up sending me stuff again. Anyone reckon microsoft do anything with this "reported" email addresses?!!!!
I had a Nigerian banker contact me informing me tht i was an heir to a massive fortune. He had been trying to trace me for 3 years and finally found me via an MSN people search. LOL silly git didnt realise i was half Greek and never ever had relatives live in south africa. What a pillock.

I told him ever so politely to stick his enquirey ever so politely up his lovely bankers bum and to never contact me again. And just in case he did I had all his email accounts routed and traced and backed up to report him in the future.

I never heard from him again!