rick cameron
Hi, all
On one of my PCs (Windows XP Pro SP2) whenever I click on My Computer in
Windows Explorer, the floppy drive seeks.
I've seen various postings on this. The most common solution seems to be to
disable auto-run for removable drives (or explicitly for drive a
. I've
tried this, but it didn't work.
Does the floppy seek because Explorer is trying to find out the capacity &
free space on drive a:? If so, how do I tell it not to do this? My other PC
(set up very similarly) doesn't do this.
- rick
On one of my PCs (Windows XP Pro SP2) whenever I click on My Computer in
Windows Explorer, the floppy drive seeks.
I've seen various postings on this. The most common solution seems to be to
disable auto-run for removable drives (or explicitly for drive a

tried this, but it didn't work.
Does the floppy seek because Explorer is trying to find out the capacity &
free space on drive a:? If so, how do I tell it not to do this? My other PC
(set up very similarly) doesn't do this.
- rick