Floppy Disks R.I.P.

Apr 13, 2003
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Apparently (according to Focus Magazine) PC World has sounded the death knell for the floppy disk, by saying that they do not intend to continue selling them, once their current stock runs out.
goodbye FD.
Im sure someone posted this about 6 months ago?!! Or am i having deja vu? :-/
bodhi said:
Im sure someone posted this about 6 months ago?!! Or am i having deja vu? :-/

Sorry but I did not see that when I did a search. Trust BBC Focus Magazine to be behind the times, the article was in this month's edition.
I still use floppys a fair bit. It depends if I have my usb stick with me. It is much easier than having to write a bloody CD.

I'm sure that there will still be loads available. The world + dog still needs them to get RAID working :p
Hey, sorry cguil, i wasnt having a go or anything, just wrote it in a rush at work. Apologise if it sounded like that! :-)

I prefered floppy's to CD's as they were much easier, but now USB flash drives are out i dont think i'll be going back. They are the best invention for a while!!