How can I use the Floor function (found in Excel) in a module for Access?
What I have it doing in Excel is taking a date time (e.g. 3/2/2005 22:25:23)
and by using the floor function get it to the nearest hour (Floor(3/2/2005
22:25:23, 1/24) so that I get 3/2/2005 22:00:00. I then have to add values
to this date/time. How can I get access to do the same thing? I tried using
the round function (round(3/2/2005 22:25:23, 1/24) but got 38143 as a value
rather then a date value. Any ideas on how to correct this?
How can I use the Floor function (found in Excel) in a module for Access?
What I have it doing in Excel is taking a date time (e.g. 3/2/2005 22:25:23)
and by using the floor function get it to the nearest hour (Floor(3/2/2005
22:25:23, 1/24) so that I get 3/2/2005 22:00:00. I then have to add values
to this date/time. How can I get access to do the same thing? I tried using
the round function (round(3/2/2005 22:25:23, 1/24) but got 38143 as a value
rather then a date value. Any ideas on how to correct this?