R Doornbosch
I have an interesting problem, I have a few dozen graphs I'd like to print
on transparent paper, the paper that I'm printing on is rougher on side than
the other so I'd like to print on the (recommended) rough side but actually
give the client the option to touch and view the graphs from the smooth
side. This means that I need to flip the chart before I print it, can this
been done in Excel? I can't seem to do it using any of the print drivers and
it's to much work to start importing the graphs into some type of drawing
on transparent paper, the paper that I'm printing on is rougher on side than
the other so I'd like to print on the (recommended) rough side but actually
give the client the option to touch and view the graphs from the smooth
side. This means that I need to flip the chart before I print it, can this
been done in Excel? I can't seem to do it using any of the print drivers and
it's to much work to start importing the graphs into some type of drawing