Here's the probelem.When I go to play flight simulator a
blue screen comes up saying error.If it doesn't do that it
will jam after I have just started it.it also sometimes
says Norton anti virus may not be able to function
properly.Thing is I have tried everything.i have enough
hard space,my video and sound cars have been updated.I
have checked anti virus.I have also tried re-intalling it
many times and even running it on clean boot.I just don't
get it.Please can someone help!Thanks
blue screen comes up saying error.If it doesn't do that it
will jam after I have just started it.it also sometimes
says Norton anti virus may not be able to function
properly.Thing is I have tried everything.i have enough
hard space,my video and sound cars have been updated.I
have checked anti virus.I have also tried re-intalling it
many times and even running it on clean boot.I just don't
get it.Please can someone help!Thanks