My objective is quite simple. I want to display a JPG image and then on it
overlay a polygon. This polygon can be moved by a user. The even is trapped
on the mouse down event of the control. I can make the polygon move but the
screen flickers because I call invalidate() on the mouse down event. I did
do offscreen buffering but there is still flashing in the screen. Let me
explain what I am doing. in the pain even handler of the control I have the
following approach. please tell me if nothing can be done or i am going
wrong somewhere
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs
Graphics gxOff; //create an Offscreen graphics
if (m_bmpOffscreen == null) //Bitmap for doublebuffering, create if not
m_bmpOffscreen = new Bitmap(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);
//m_bmpOffscreen is a private member of the class
gxOff = Graphics.FromImage(m_bmpOffscreen);//Attach image
gxOff.DrawImage(m_bmpOrg, 0, 0, rectBmpOrg, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); // here
I draw my JPG image which fills the cliend area of the control
//this image does not change except when one goes to the file menu and
opens another.
gxOff.DrawPolygon(blackPen, (Point[])rose.GenerateRoseCurvePts());
//this is where I draw the polygon. This is the part that changes with each
mouse down and mouse move.
paintg.Graphics.DrawImage(m_bmpOffscreen, 0, 0);
Rest on the mouse move
private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging) // if the polygon is being dragged
//compute new set of point
panel1.Invalidate(); //Now this causes the paint even to be called
for everymovement of the mouse.
Where am I going wrong? Is there are a better alternative. can I control the
rate at which refreshing is taking place? the image in the background needs
not be repainted again and again but since I am drawing the polygon on it
and to move the polygon to a new position I need to do it. also how can I
control the rate at which refreshing takes place so that there is no
Thanks in anticipation
overlay a polygon. This polygon can be moved by a user. The even is trapped
on the mouse down event of the control. I can make the polygon move but the
screen flickers because I call invalidate() on the mouse down event. I did
do offscreen buffering but there is still flashing in the screen. Let me
explain what I am doing. in the pain even handler of the control I have the
following approach. please tell me if nothing can be done or i am going
wrong somewhere
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs
Graphics gxOff; //create an Offscreen graphics
if (m_bmpOffscreen == null) //Bitmap for doublebuffering, create if not
m_bmpOffscreen = new Bitmap(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);
//m_bmpOffscreen is a private member of the class
gxOff = Graphics.FromImage(m_bmpOffscreen);//Attach image
gxOff.DrawImage(m_bmpOrg, 0, 0, rectBmpOrg, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); // here
I draw my JPG image which fills the cliend area of the control
//this image does not change except when one goes to the file menu and
opens another.
gxOff.DrawPolygon(blackPen, (Point[])rose.GenerateRoseCurvePts());
//this is where I draw the polygon. This is the part that changes with each
mouse down and mouse move.
paintg.Graphics.DrawImage(m_bmpOffscreen, 0, 0);
Rest on the mouse move
private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging) // if the polygon is being dragged
//compute new set of point
panel1.Invalidate(); //Now this causes the paint even to be called
for everymovement of the mouse.
Where am I going wrong? Is there are a better alternative. can I control the
rate at which refreshing is taking place? the image in the background needs
not be repainted again and again but since I am drawing the polygon on it
and to move the polygon to a new position I need to do it. also how can I
control the rate at which refreshing takes place so that there is no
Thanks in anticipation