Flexible/Dynamic combo boxes

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I have an option group that has two options in it. Below the option group,
I have a couple of drop down combo boxes.
I would like to program the combo boxes so that they list only items related
to whatever is selected in the option group above them - note the items
listed in each of the combo boxes are actually stored in seperate tables.
For example, if the user selects option 1, then the combo list is selected
from table 1. If the user selects option 2, then the list is extracted from
table 2.
Can anyone advise the best way to acheive this?

On the After Update event of the Option Group, put a procedure something
along these lines...

Select Case Me.YourOptionGroup
Case 1
Me.YourCombobox.RowSource = "table 1"
Case 2
Me.YourCombobox.RowSource = "table 2"
End Select