I have included some of the code that is called from the
AfterUpdate event of a combo box on a form that also has a
couple of option groups and other option posibilities.
Please note that I have tried to document the items that
are being evaluated when developing the sql statement for
use as the record source for the list box.
'code starts here *****
Private Sub cboOp633_AfterUpdate()
'the next assignment starts the sql statement
varSqlStr = "SELECT AgShuttlePermitLink.PermitNo,
AgShuttlePermitLink.Shuttle, " _
& "AgShuttlePermitLink.Master633,
AgShuttlePermitLink.PrevPermitNo " _
& "FROM AgShuttlePermitLink"
'the case statement below sets a portion of the sql string
'dependent on which option of the three options has been
'selected - one for each case option
Select Case frmShuttleTypeFilter
Case 1
If Me.cboOp633 <> "(No Operator Filter)" Then
varOp633Num = Me.cboOp633
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + " WHERE
(((AgShuttlePermitLink.Status)<9)) AND"
varOp633Num = Me.cboOp633
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + " WHERE
End If
'just use the value of "varSqlStr" to show all
Case 2
If Me.cboOp633 <> "(No Operator Filter)" Then
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + " WHERE ((Left
([AgShuttlePermitLink]![Shuttle],3)=""SCT"")) " _
& "AND
(((AgShuttlePermitLink.Status)<9)) AND"
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + " WHERE ((Left
([AgShuttlePermitLink]![Shuttle],3)=""SCT"")) " _
& "AND
(((AgShuttlePermitLink.Status)<9)) "
End If
Case 3
If Me.cboOp633 <> "(No Operator Filter)" Then
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + " WHERE ((Left
([AgShuttlePermitLink]![Shuttle],3)<>""SCT"")) " _
& "AND
(((AgShuttlePermitLink.Status)<9)) AND"
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + " WHERE ((Left
([AgShuttlePermitLink]![Shuttle],3)<>""SCT"")) " _
& "AND
End If
End Select
'the next "If" statement adds another section of the
'sql string to the previously developed string,
'based on an option selected from a list box
If Me.cboOp633 <> "(No Operator Filter)" Then
varOp633Num = Me.cboOp633
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + "
((AgShuttlePermitLink.Master633)='" & varOp633Num & "')"
End If
'the assignment below joins all of the pieces together
'to form the sql string
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + " ORDER BY PermitNo"
'the next assignment line just adds the ending semicolon
'to the end of the sql string
varSqlStr = varSqlStr + ";"
'the statements below do the work with the list box
' that will display the results of the sql string
'it assigns the sql string variable to the "RowSource"
'property of the list box, and then requeries it to
'display the records
With Me.lstShuttleLinks
.RowSource = varSqlStr
End With
'*****end of code here ******
Hope this helps. If you need more help along this line,
you can email me direct at: (e-mail address removed) and I
will be glad to try to help.